Confession ?!?!?! (not really)

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"Funny you would ask, I've been staying in-"

Theres a knock at the door. A muffled Formaggio whines "Risottoooo! Melones back and probably dead and the ottomans on fire ! Its not my faulllt !"

Risotto sighs. "Deal with it. Ill be out in a minute." He turns back to you, "You were saying?"

Well you're not telling the truth now. You weren't anyway, but now you really weren't.

"I've been staying around. Park benches and all that. You know how it is."

"For a year?"

"Yeah. It sucks dick. Huge dick."

You hear a snicker behind the door. Risotto pinches the bridge of his nose and opens the door, revealing Formaggio, Illuso, Ghiaccio, and Prosciutto with their ears against the door.

"Stay here." Risotto closes the door on you.

You probably could escape. You probably should, right? Probably.

You can hear Risotto getting onto the men, and Proscicutto saying he was trying to stop the other men. After a bit, youre left in relative silence.

Sitting alone in this office really showed how small you were. It's terrifying being alone, especially here. Its even more terrifying being with him though.

Minutes of silence pass. It would be easy to leave. But its easier to snoop. Standing up, you creep behind his desk and open the first drawer. Its packed full of manilla folders, each one with a stamp that says |COMPLETE|. You open the top file.

There are pictures of a young woman stapled onto a sheet of paper with information scrawled onto it. Shes fairly pretty, with a light pink scar on her eyebrow and a rose tattoo on her neck.

Vita Elito. Age 27. Stand- Judas Priest. Ability unknown.

The rest is covered by the same |Complete| stamp.

"Shit." The reality of your situation sinks in further- these are murderers. This person is probably dead. You're surrounded by murderers.

Putting the file back in its place, you dash back to your seat as footsteps outside start echoing down the hall. The door creaks open and Risotto steps back in, looking slightly more disheveled yet still just as sexy. 'Not sexy— Terrifying!' You remind yourself, 'Curse this horny brain-!'

He looks down at you with tired eyes. "So... What are we gonna do?" You ask. Hes been merciful so far, why should he stop?

Risotto returns to his desk. For a moment his eyes narrow and you hear a sharp click. He leans back into his chair, crosses one leg over the other and glares into your soul. "You want to know what we can do?," He slams his hands down onto his desk, making you jump. "We can come to an agreement where you can remain in one piece. You clearly want to get out of this scot free, yet you poke your nose where it doesnt belong. My patience has been tested plenty by you. Heres what we can do."

He stands up and circles his desk, then bends down to your eye level. Your faces were now only inches away. The only sounds around were his breathing and your heartbeat.

His voice, dangerously low, radiated through the small room. "You can choose to forget what you saw in the files. You can leave the area and never come back. I will ignore your robbery attempt and your snooping." He comes even closer. "Or," His head tilts slightly, "You could join us."

"What?" You were dumbfounded. Why the fuck would he want a kid like you working for him?

"Your stand is very powerful, is it not? Ghiaccio filled me in when I left a moment ago. You would need training, thats for sure." He looks you up and down. "Lots of training. I will give you until tonight to decide. Until then you may stay here and clean yourself up. Consider this a peace offering."

With that, he leaves you alone with your thoughts once again.


Several minutes pass. Faced with a situation you were in no way prepared for. Either leave the country and die of starvation or kill people for a living. Obviously you'd choose life. Only a coward chooses death.

Growing bored, you rise from your chair and peek around the room. You don't dare to open the drawer again. You try to sleep but it's no easy task. There are no pictures on the walls, no decorations in the room. Nothing to distract yourself with.

After what feels like hours (even though it was probably like 20 minutes), Risotto returns.

"Okay. Time to meet the team."

aaa this one took so much longer but i hope it doesnt dissapoint !! shits been going down since i was last able to write, so i really hope this isnt too bad. the next chapter will most likely be a long one :33

Being a ghost is hard, dude. (La Squadra x reader)Where stories live. Discover now