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Ghiaccio shoves the door open and yanks you inside. Your legs were unstable enough from the muscle strain of running, the frostbite from the ice, but the cherry on top of all that, the knife wound had started itching. You tried to take in your surroundings without throwing up. In front of you sat almost all of the assassins that you knew of, excepting Melone who was unconscious in the woods, and Ghiaccio who was currently pulling you further inside.

You looked down at your feet to avoid eye contact with any of them. Your eyes swelled with tears that you kept down by holding your eyes shut.

"Ghiaccio, what took you so damn long? The kid outrun you?" Formaggio teased. You could feel Ghiaccio tighten his grip on you. He opened his mouth to say something, but was quickly cut off by Illuso asking where Melone was.

"Melone is unconscious in the middle of the woods." He hissed, trying to rub it into Formaggio's face that it wasnt his fault. "Hes lucky to not be dead." With that, he glared at you. The sinking feeling in your chest only got worse, turning into a pit in your stomach.

"Shit dude, what happened?" Formaggio leaned forward to try to look at your face. He seemed genuinely concerned.

"Ghiaccio." A deep, imposing voice spoke over the whispers and general chatter. Pesci and the blonde one stopped whispering immediately. The big man whos name you werent sure of spoke up. You snapped your neck to look at him. He was gorgeous. His silver hair that rests right above his browline, his sharp jaw, his showing titties- you would swoon if you werent about to die. You assumed him to be the boss for both his authoritativeness and by how absolutely built he was. Most of the other men were buff, sure, but this guy looked like he could cave in your head with a flick. His silvery hair shone under the soft sunlight outside, and his stunning face was complimented perfectly by his deep red and black eyes. The only thing that wasnt deathly terrifying about him is his jingle-belled hat.

"Bring them to my office and stay there with them. Prosciutto, take everyone else and find Melone."

"Yes sir." The blonde man, who you now know as Prosciutto, stands, nodding at his boss and gathering the rest of the men as Ghiaccio dragged you to a room behind the men. Illuso made a crack about Melone having brain damage as the door closed behind you.

"Jesus christ" you mumbled as Ghiaccio sat down next to you in front of the bosses desk. "That guy is terrifying." You meant it about their boss, but it could be said about most of them.

"Just wait. If you thought that was bad just wait until he yells at your ass for breaking into our goddamn house." He rolled his eyes and leaned back into his chair. He lolled his head to look at you once again. "The hell were you even doing?"

You turned your head sharply, "I was just hungry. Im sorry." your voice was nothing more than a whisper. You shut your eyes tight and looked away. His eyes bored into the side of your head. You heard footsteps approach and the door open.

The only thing you wanted more than to leave was a good hot meal. You tried to close your eyes harder as the boss walked around and sat at his desk.

"Tell that to him." Ghiaccio mumbled. You sat up and looked at the bossman across from you. You took a deep breath and fought back tears.

"I'm sorry. I was just hungry so I just came in and I-" He holds up his hand to stop you. His face was blank, but showed hints of something sweet. And not blank in a 'I dont care' way, it was more of a cop interrogating a criminal. He studied you for several seconds, then put his hand down and begun to speak.

"Are you a stand user?"

This question took you by surprise, as you were expecting a 'Do you know we kill people for a living' or a 'What're your parents names so we can call them and tattle'. Maybe not the first one, but still, nothing like what he really said.

Being a ghost is hard, dude. (La Squadra x reader)Where stories live. Discover now