Goofy shit ensues

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Running proved to be difficult. Your stomach grumbled for at least an hour until you finally took a break. White hot pains ran through your legs and lungs, every inch of you screaming in agony. You chowed down on some graham crackers. They had never tasted better.

You couldnt help yourself to not look behind you every few seconds. Knowing a group of trained killing machines were currently hunting you down did not help the nerves at all. You leaned up against a tree, the rough bark scratching your back. You sucked in a breath and tore off a shred of your shirt.

Examining your leg, you wrapped the handle around the hilt of the knife. Even touching it sent whispers of burning pain down your leg. Blood pooled up around it from the disturbance. It hadnt bled as much as you expected it to, but it was still a lot more than you wanted. The pungent smell of iron stuck out to you. God, it was terrible.

You had delt with blood before, obviously, but never this much. You winced as you slowly pulled the knife out, its blade warm and bloody. Imagining yourself being caught right now seemed like a death sentence. You stifled a cry, biting the collar of your shirt and praying to any god you could think of. The trembles in your arm almost caused you to drop the knife.

The trees swayed around you as more blood spilled out of the wound. The knife was out, and it clattered as you tossed it down next to you.

You hoped that was the hard part. A distinct pool of blood was left under your leg, staining the whiteish rock under you. You braced yourself and lay the thin strand of shirt you had yanked off on top of your leg. Using both hands, you lifted the leg slightly.

You might as well have shoved your hand it in with the way it hurt. Your heart was beating loudly, sweat dripping down your forehead as you tried not to scream. Sobbing into your shirt collar you wrapped the tourniquet around your leg.

Tighter, until your body screamed in pain. Tighter, until the gush of blood slowed. Tighter, until you felt like you would pop.

You brought both ends up around the side and tied them together. Tying off a wound always seemed so much easier in tv.

You let out a deep breath, hanging your head and unclenching your teeth. You cant relax now, not for longer than a few seconds. You count to 5, and start mentally preparing to stand. You throw your head back, suddenly keenly aware of your surroundings. You were lost in the woods after a crew of assassins chased you down. God you shouldve gotten out of that house months ago, when you first learned they were murderers. You sigh, trying to hype yourself up.

A crunch. There was a crunch behind you. Your throat tightened. You were so vulnerable, so weak. In your dazed, blood loss state, you had no chance of fighting off even a ferret, let alone an assassin.

You grabbed the bloody knife and swiveled your entire body around. It was blue boy once again, this time with a bloody nose that was disguised behind a green tinted mask. His face was contorted with pain and anger, and you couldve sworn there were tears in his eyes.He seemed to be wearing a plastic suit with.. kitty ears?

That wasn't important now. The only important thing was getting the hell out of here, ideally in one piece.

"You ! Ill fucking kill you! Go the fuck away now or I swear to god Ill-" You were cut off by a hand on your shoulder. Your eyes widened. Tilting your head up, you made terrified eye contact with Melone. The grin on his face only terrifying you more.

You froze. Oh god, you were so dead. Your grip tightened around the knife and you swung it into Melones chest. Before you got even a cut on him, your wrist was seized in the air. Inches away from his chest.

His shit eating grin only widened. His lavender colored mask glinted in the now afternoonish sun. He opened his mouth to say something, but you werent listening. You twisted your wrist and left a tiny cut on his chin. Well, you wiped the look off his face at least. He was now looking at you like you had dumped his drink onto the sidewalk.

Being a ghost is hard, dude. (La Squadra x reader)Where stories live. Discover now