First Mission

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Your mind swirls with half stories of the day before. Climbing a tree. Running. Meeting people? Running more. Embarrassing yourself. People... touching you. Lots of men. Risotto. Your room. Carrying furniture with your new friends. Can you call them your friends?

Suddenly you cant move.

Tap tap. Suddenly its dark.

Tap tap. Suddenly theres an figure at the end of your bed.

Tap tap. Suddenly it reaches out.

You jolt up, clutching your blanket to your chest. You peer over the foot end of your bed, looking for anything that could be there. You sigh and let the tension in your shoulders release. Brushing off your mini nightmare, you slide off your bed.

The clock reads 10:30. You got lucky, waking up just half an hour before youre set to leave with Formaggio. Your first mission! Youre as excited as you are scared. Fighting to ignore all of the "what could go wrong" scenarios, you review the file.

The Targets name is Tipolio Fici. Hes in his mid 30s, peddles drugs for Passione. Hes set to meet with 2 others today around noon. He has supposedly been pocketing drugs, and reproduces them to a crowd outside his jurisdiction. Not a stand user, neither are his buddies.

Your job isnt to kill him, thankfully. Youre just scouting out his meeting and confirming that he is selling outside his territory. Its a simple recon mission.

You shut the file and head downstairs to find Formaggio. It doesnt take long to spot him, as hes sitting on the couch, probably waiting for you. Hes dressed in his apparent 'business' outfit, minus the leather jacket, which is balled up next to him. He fiddles with his switchblade.

"Y'sleep okay?" Formaggio smiles.

"Yeah, kinda. You?"

Ghiaccio comes in, dressed in a light blue robe. "Can you guys stop flirting? Its too early." His voice is raspy, probably from screaming all damn day. At least hes not screaming now. His hair is wrapped up in a towel, and his robe hugs all the right places. His coffee mug reads "I ❤️ my cat".

"Jealous?" Formaggio winks at him, shit eating grin plastered on his face.

"Fuck off."

"I like your kitty mug." You try to lighten the mood.

"God damn it- It was the only one that was clean. Its Formaggios anyway." He jabs a finger towards Formaggio, whos shit eating grin only grows.

"You have a cat?" You walk over to Formaggio, sitting on the couch opposite him.

Formaggio hums in agreement. "Two. Asiagos a tabby and Ricottas all white. Youll probably see them around at some point, they both kinda go wherever they feel like."

Ghiaccio groans and rolls his eyes, stepping closer to the couch but not sitting down.

Formaggio eyes him up and down, before remarking "Shouldnt you... put some clothes on? Youre gonna distract my date." He laughs a little when he calls you his date.

"Date?" Ghiaccio looks at you with narrow eyes, before widening them again. "Oh. Youre going on a mission. Thats not. A date." He clenches his teeth and grips the mug tighter.

"It can be, if ya try hard enough." He winks at you this time. Formaggio pats the couch next to him and shrugs on his jacket. "Welp, better get goin. Should get there early, yeah? Lets go, new kid."

"Dont crash my damn car, Formaggio. Or get shit in it." Ghiaccio growls as Formaggio leads you out of the house. Formaggio opens the door for you, leading you to squeeze around his arm and out the door.

Being a ghost is hard, dude. (La Squadra x reader)Where stories live. Discover now