Chapter 1: The Rising Sun☀️

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???: "Talking"

???: 'Thinking'


3rd POV:

In the midst of a moonless night, beneath the looming shadows of ancient trees, Y/n Tsugikuni, the skilled demon slayer, stood vigilant. His tall, imposing figure was shrouded in a blood-red haori that billowed softly in the breeze. The familiar weight of his father's hanafuda earrings dangled from his ears, whispering tales of past battles. Y/n's blood-red eyes scanned the eerie forest around him, every nerve in his body attuned to the slightest movement.

He had been tracking a particularly elusive demon, a creature of malevolence that had plagued the Sengoku era. The demon's dark presence had unsettled the land, and Y/n had sworn to purge it.

As Y/n ventured deeper into the forest, the moonlight flickered through the dense canopy, casting eerie shadows that danced like specters. The air was thick with tension, and every rustle of leaves seemed to echo in the silence.

At last, Y/n spotted his quarry—an ominous creature with twisted horns, gnarled limbs, and eyes that gleamed like malevolent stars. The demon's unholy aura was suffocating, yet Y/n's resolve remained unbroken.

Drawing his sword, Y/n focused his breathing,
The blade gleamed like a streak of sunlight as he slashed through the air, aiming for the demon's heart.

The demon, however, was too slow to stop what was coming, and in a second the sheer intensity of the simple attack engulfed the demon in a blaze of searing light, reducing it to ash.

With the demon vanquished and the forest finally at peace, Y/n took a moment to think, maybe he should visit his father on his way back. He wiped his bloodied sword clean and sheathed it, feeling a profound sense of accomplishment. His father's teachings had guided him well.

Now with the his mission complete, it was time to return and of course to visit it his father. It has been quite some time since he's seen him, he could only pray he was not too lonely by himself there all the time. As Y/n continued through the make shift path in between the trees, he couldn't help but reminisce about how far he's come. Now at the age of 22 years old, and have grown to 6 foot 8 inches, he not only changed in appearance but also mind. With all the experiences he's gathered in his career of Demon Slaying he's become a very wise and strong man. He was even given the opportunity to become the Sun Hashira after being a Demon Slayer for only a week, though he kindly denied as he felt he wasn't worthy of such a position yet.

As Y/n continued down memory lane he was broken out of his thoughts as the first light of dawn broke through the trees, something inexplicable occurred. Y/n felt a powerful force surrounding him, a whirlwind of temporal energy that seemed to tear at his very soul. In an instant, the forest, the sounds of nature, and the Sengoku era itself faded away.

Y/n found himself falling through a swirling vortex, his surroundings a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions. Time and space seemed to warp and bend, and he could no longer distinguish up from down.

Then, as abruptly as it had begun, the chaos ceased. Y/n crashed onto solid ground, his body wracked with pain. As Y/n staggered to his feet on unfamiliar ground, his senses reeled from the disorienting journey through time. His 6-foot-5-inch frame suddenly felt gangly and uncoordinated, as if his limbs were those of a teenager. His once-battle-hardened body had transformed into the physique of his younger self.

Confusion gnawed at him. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. The dense forest of the Sengoku era had vanished completely, replaced by a different landscape. Tall, swaying bamboo groves loomed nearby, their rustling leaves a haunting chorus of whispers. A sense of eerie calm hung in the air.

Y/n's realization struck like a thunderbolt—he had been transported not only through time but to a completely different era, the Taisho period. The once-familiar sights and sounds of his homeland were replaced by the unfamiliar.

For the first time in his life, Y/n felt a sense of vulnerability. He knew nothing of this era, its customs, or its dangers. Yet, deep within him, the spirit of a demon slayer burned as brightly as ever. Y/n squared his shoulders, determined to navigate this new world and confront whatever challenges it had in store for him.

As he ventured deeper into the bamboo groves, the verdant path ahead seemed both mysterious and inviting. The first light of dawn filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Birds called out in the distance, their songs a stark contrast to the roars of demons he had grown accustomed to.

With each step, Y/n resolved to uncover the secrets of this era, to harness his formidable skills as a demon slayer to protect the innocent, and slay the horrid. The journey ahead was uncertain, but the legacy of the Tsugikuni family lived on in him. His journey to become the strongest Demon Slayer has only just begun.

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