Chapter 3: ☀️The Demon Hunter⚔️

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3rd POV:

It had been a week since Y/n's arrival in the Taisho period, and in that short span of time, he had embraced the role of a demon hunter. The serene village that had initially greeted him concealed a hidden darkness, and it was a darkness he was determined to confront.

Each day, as the sun bathed the bamboo groves in golden light, Y/n embarked on his solitary hunts. He had quickly become known as the mysterious, towering figure who roamed the forest at dawn, his towering frame casting an imposing shadow.

The demons of this era were different from those he had faced in the Sengoku period, their forms more varied and their abilities more cunning. Y/n's encounters with them were battles of wits and tactics as much as raw power.

One morning, he faced a demon with the ability to manipulate shadows. It lurked in the darkness, striking swiftly and silently. Y/n's keen instincts saved him as he parried its attacks, each clash of steel against steel a testament to his formidable skills.

The demon's shadowy form twisted and writhed, but Y/n's Sun Breathing techniques cut through the darkness like a beacon of light. With a final, blazing strike, he banished the creature's malevolent presence, leaving nothing but fading echoes of its hisses and whispers.

Another day, Y/n encountered a demon that could control water, creating torrents and tidal waves that threatened to engulf him. The battle was fierce, the very elements themselves manipulated against him, but Y/n's mastery of Sun Breathing allowed him to counter with precision and power.

As he dispatched each demon, Y/n couldn't help but reflect on the unique qualities of this era's threats. These demons seemed attuned to the natural world, their abilities tied to the elements themselves. It was a stark contrast to the more straightforward battles of his past.

The villagers had started to whisper about the protector who safeguarded their lives, rumors of a powerful demon slayer who walked among them. Y/n's imposing presence and the tales of his battles had turned him into a figure of admiration and fear.

But for Y/n, it was not fame he sought. It was the knowledge that he was fulfilling his duty—to protect humanity from the malevolent forces that threatened it. Each demon he vanquished was a step toward unraveling the mysteries of this era.

During the day, he would return to the village, greeted by the curious gazes of the villagers. The children, once wary, now approached him with wide-eyed wonder. The elders would nod in acknowledgment, their approval unspoken but understood.

Nights were spent in the quiet teahouse, where he would sit by the glowing lantern light, contemplating the demons he had faced and the secrets they held. The tales of the legendary demon slayer who had once walked this land were never far from his thoughts.

As the days turned into weeks, Y/n's bond with the Taisho era deepened. The beauty of this world, its traditions, and even the darkness that lurked within it had become a part of him. He knew that he was not only a guardian of this era but also a traveler through time, a witness to the ebb and flow of history.

As the dimly lit teahouse embraced Y/n in its tranquil ambience, he sat by a low wooden table, a delicate cup of steaming tea cradled in his hands. The tea's aroma was earthy and soothing, a brief respite from the battles that had consumed his days.

His thoughts were immersed in the demons he had faced, their abilities, and the enigmatic nature of the Taisho period. He contemplated the legends of the past, wondering if there were any clues hidden within the tales of the legendary demon slayer.

But his reverie was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of a newcomer. The teahouse's sliding door whispered open, and Y/n's eyes were drawn to the figure that stepped inside.

A fellow demon slayer stood in the threshold, the hilt of a katana glinting in the dim light. The newcomer's attire was adorned with the unmistakable marks of a warrior—a haori marked with the symbols of the Demon Slayer Corps and a fierce determination etched into their expression.

The teahouse's patrons exchanged furtive glances as the demon slayer's presence filled the room with an electric tension. It wasn't often that such warriors visited this tranquil establishment.

The newcomer approached Y/n's table with measured steps, a hint of curiosity in their gaze as they lowered themselves onto the tatami mats.

"Your demeanor suggests a demon slayer's resolve," the newcomer remarked, their voice calm and contemplative.

Y/n acknowledged the unspoken understanding with a subtle nod, maintaining the air of mystery about him. "I am dedicated to protecting this world from the demons that threaten it."

The newcomer's gaze lingered, as if probing for more information, but Y/n's enigmatic aura held strong. "A noble cause," the newcomer replied. "I am Haruki, a fellow warrior. Together, we shall face the demons that seek to shroud this era in darkness."

As Y/n and Haruki clasped hands in a solemn oath, their intertwined destinies hung in the air like the delicate scent of blooming cherry blossoms. The teahouse's lanterns continued to flicker, casting dancing shadows on the tatami mats, and the room seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.

While Y/n's origin remained veiled in secrecy, there was an unspoken understanding between the two demon slayers. Their shared purpose transcended words, a silent vow to protect the Taisho period from the malevolent demons that threatened its serenity.

Haruki, with a sense of respect for the enigmatic warrior before him, leaned in slightly. "You carry yourself with an air of mystery, Y/n. There is much I do not know about you."

Y/n's crimson eyes met Haruki's gaze, holding a flicker of intrigue within them. "In these times, it is not the past that defines us, but the actions we take in the present. We are demon slayers, and our duty is to protect this world from the evils that hide away."

Haruki nodded, understanding that there were layers to Y/n's character that he might never fully uncover. "Indeed, Y/n. Let us focus on the challenges that lie ahead. Together, we shall face the demons and preserve the tranquility of the Taisho period."

With their silent pact sealed, the teahouse seemed to come alive once more, the patrons returning to their conversations, the soothing melody of traditional music filling the air. The enigmatic demon slayer, Y/n, and the steadfast warrior, Haruki, had embarked on a path fraught with danger, their shared purpose their only guide.

As they exchanged subtle glances, their minds resonated with a singular thought—demons may be relentless, but together, they would be an unyielding force, standing as protectors of the Taisho era, guarding its peace against the encroaching darkness.

Son Of Yoriichi (Demon Slayer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now