Chapter 2: Taisho Mystery☀️

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3rd POV:

The bamboo groves of the Taisho period whispered secrets to Y/n as he ventured deeper into their lush embrace. Every rustling leaf and murmured breeze felt like a message from an enigmatic realm. His senses were sharpened, his once-familiar world now tinged with uncertainty.

The landscape was a symphony of greens, with tall bamboo shoots swaying gracefully, and slender rays of sunlight piercing through the dense canopy. Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of this era, so different from the war-torn landscapes of the Sengoku period.

However, beauty concealed its own mysteries. The path ahead led to an old wooden torii gate, weathered and draped with moss. It stood as a sentinel, guarding the passage between worlds. Y/n couldn't help but feel that his arrival here was no accident.

Stepping through the gate, Y/n found himself in a quaint village nestled within the bamboo groves. The sounds of life filled the air—the laughter of children, the clatter of wooden sandals, and the distant chatter of villagers going about their daily routines. It was a scene of serene normalcy that clashed with Y/n's inner turmoil.

As he walked through the village, the curious gazes of the villagers met him at every turn. His towering height and imposing presence drew attention, and he could sense their curiosity and whispers as they exchanged hushed words about the newcomer. Y/n remained stoic, understanding that his arrival was an anomaly in their peaceful lives.

Soon, he came across a market square, bustling with activity. Vendors hawked their wares—colorful fabrics, fragrant spices, and exotic fruits that he couldn't name. The scent of street food wafted through the air, tantalizing his senses.

Y/n approached one vendor, an elderly woman selling vibrant flowers. Her eyes wrinkled into a warm smile as she noticed him. "Greetings, young man. Care for some lilies? They bring luck and happiness."

Y/n nodded appreciatively, buying a bouquet of lilies. He admired their intricate petals, a stark contrast to the demons he had battled in his previous time. The simple act of purchasing flowers for luck was a glimpse into the customs of this era, so different from the life he had known.

As the day wore on, Y/n explored the village further. He watched children play traditional games and observed the villagers' rituals, from prayer at the shrine to the preparation of meals in open kitchens. Each moment painted a picture of a world untouched by the horrors of the Sengoku era.

Yet, beneath the tranquility, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that darkness still lurked, demons that needed slaying, and mysteries that needed unraveling. His mission remained unchanged, even in this unfamiliar era.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Y/n found himself at the edge of the village, overlooking a serene lake framed by cherry blossoms. The sight was breathtaking, and the reflection of the moon on the water seemed to beckon him toward his destiny.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Y/n stood at the tranquil lake's edge, the soft rippling of water soothing his troubled thoughts. The cherry blossoms above rustled gently, their pale petals shimmering in the moonlight like ivory stars. The scene before him was ethereal, a moment frozen in time.

But Y/n knew better than to be beguiled by the serenity of this era. His purpose remained unchanged—to confront the demons that surely lurked in the shadows, just as they did in his own time. There were mysteries to unravel, perhaps even a way to return to his era, but first, he needed to adapt.

With a determined sigh, Y/n turned away from the lake and began to make his way back through the village. The flickering lanterns illuminated his path, casting long shadows that danced on the cobblestone streets. The villagers had settled into their homes, their lives continuing under the gentle moonlight.

As he walked, Y/n couldn't help but ponder the peculiar circumstances of his arrival. The time travel, the transformation into his younger self—it all felt like the result of a force greater than himself. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was here for a reason, that the threads of fate had woven him into this era's tapestry.

Entering a dimly lit teahouse, Y/n was greeted by the soothing scent of freshly brewed tea. The proprietor, a wise-looking elderly man, acknowledged him with a nod. Y/n settled into a corner, the warm tea in his hands providing solace.

He observed the few patrons who shared the teahouse with him—a group of scholars engaged in animated discussion, a pair of geishas gracefully performing a traditional dance. Their world was rich with culture and tradition, a stark contrast to the brutality of his own era.

Y/n's gaze drifted to a mural on the teahouse wall, depicting a legendary demon slayer from this era. The hero's exploits were celebrated in song and story, and his image was a symbol of hope. Perhaps there were answers to be found in the legends of this time.

As the night deepened, Y/n remained in the teahouse, contemplating his next steps. The Taisho era had welcomed him with open arms, but beneath the surface of tranquility, a current of uncertainty flowed. He had much to learn, much to adapt to, and much to protect.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Y/n quietly slipped out of the teahouse and into the moonlit streets. His journey in this era was just beginning, and the mysteries of the Taisho period awaited his discovery.

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