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'Zelo.. please..it's my first time',

What the hell? No way.... No wayyy... This can't be it. I can't face my husband if this video get leaked. Tears dwelled from my eyes.

'I love you so much Zelo.. Ahhh.. It's .. it's good .. please.. more',

I can't live anymore. I cant show my face to Yoongi-ssi!!... What did I ever do to you Zelo???

I called Jin rightaway. He is the only person I can reach right now.

'Jin!! Come home. Right now', I mumbled. He is my blood friend. He Dint Posed Any questions other than a Right away?

I started panicking trying the possible scenarios where Zelo could leak it? With in no time, Jin ran into home. Thank god. I showed him the video while sobbing. Jin raged in anger seieng it. He dailed the unknown number rigth away.  Zelo it is. I can recongnise even his breathe.

' Bastard!!!! Are you trying to threaten Hoseok for something now??? Let me tell you he has nothing to loose now. And let me tell you Zelo, I gonna re-open your case and will make sure you rot to death', he growled throwing the mobile over the couch.

'Why the hell are you threatening him Jin?? You know he is stupid enough when he is angry?', I shouted.

'Dont be dumbass hoseok!!! I feel like slapping you right now. Why the fuck you requested Yoongi to free him from jail?? For god sake he is your bloody husband and let me tell you no one is as good as him. I willask him again to help in this', Jin stated with a frustrating sigh. No way. I cant be more vulnerable infront of him. 'Jin No!!! I already feel so worse to look into his eyes. I can't let him see this shit. Let's deal it ourselves. Zelo must me expecting something. Call him and ask what does he want. Let's act accordingly', I sobbed trying to exclude Yoongi-ssi.

Jin sat in silence for a while before nodding. 'Let's not panick Hoseokie!! I am here. Let me think', he spoke caressing my arm thinking of the possible way of dealing it. 'Talk to Namjoon, he will help in hiding it from Yoongi and proceeding legally', Jin suggested. Really?? 'You sure?', I wanna confirm. 'He is.. umm.. he is good in these. He can make it happen with few phone calls', Jin suggested. 'But..  I met him  just once Jin. I dont think I should ask him such favours', I hesitated. 'I will..', he massaged his temples. Before reaching his mobile. Will he really ask help from his only enemy? For me??

*Door bell rings*

'I will see it', I spoke walking towards the door opening it.

It's him.

Everything felt like happend in a second. I was happy a while ago assuming to start a new life. And now this bastard entered again into my life to ruin me. Having a glance at his filthy face made me rage in anger. I never ever in my life hurted him in wrong way. Actually I took all the pain he gave me. But, still he did this to me. You deserved to be punished Zelo.

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