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Yoongi's PoV:

Very good. Now I am completely nervous.

Yoongi-ssi!! Can you please come home little earlier?

Fine... I re-read it 100th time. This is first ever time, Hoseok texted me something other than things about daily chores. Does he want to have a special dinner with me? Or, does he wanna take our relationship to next level?

Huff... I reached home as planned and the expected auroma of food.... isn't there. Well, it's not for dinner. So... What's going on?? Does he struck on some problem. Please Jesus!!! Don't hurt him.

I walked in nervously to find Hoseok in the bar area. Strange. Even though I had a huge collection in my bar, he never even looked at it. What happend today??

'Hey Hoseok!!',

He smiled. And it's not like before. Ofcourse it was never the way he smiled before our marriage. But these days, I can see him trying to smile. But today, it's pale.

'Are you fine?', I can't stop myself from asking it.

Again a pale smile.

'I am good Yoongi-ssi!! Would you like to get fresh?',

'No.. I am good.. You want me to...', I hesitated to ask.

'Yes... Please take the seat. Can I prepare a drink for you??',

He is nervous. I can sense it with his shivering hands. Or.. is he just drunk.

'I will do it myself Hoseok. How about you?? Can I prepare a drink for you?',

'I am good Yoongi-ssi!!  I prepared my drink long ago, but not feeling like having it alone', he responded.

'Is there anything you wanna talk about ?', I asked wasting No time. I can clearly see that he didn't invite me for just a drink.

'Umm... Yyes', he sounded nervous.

Unintentionally my hand reached his fingers caressing softly. I can sense the shiver in him. What just happend?

'You know you can tell me anything Hoseok. We, together have seen the worst. I believe nothing will have tremendous impact after what we have gone through', I encouraged him. I can see tears in his eyes.

'Yoongi-ssi!!! I... ',

What's wrong?? What made him cry? Who the hell made him cry?

'I gonna kill who ever did hurt you Hoseok', I murmered loud enough for him to listen.

'No... Yoongi-ssi!! No', he shook his head as No.

'No Yoongi-ssi!!! Please .. don't mind my tears. No one did hurt me', better no one did it. But .. whats wrong then??

'Then.... You know you can share with me right?', I requested him.

After dead silence for a minute he picked up his glass and gulped his drink.

'Are you aware of Bang Corp?', he questioned.

'Ofcourse yes. Mr.Bang is very inspiring person', I responded. Indeed he is very inspiring. But why is he asking?

'I have been offered with Design Head role in his company', he mentioned. Wow.. That's huge. Wait.. Does that mean??

'You are incredible Hoseok. I always trust your talent. And I am very proud that you were able to get it', I congratulated first. Eventhough I have my questions, I have to appreciate his success.

Strange. He is not smiling. Is he thinking same as me?

'What's wrong? Why are you being so silent?', I inquired.

'That company is located far from the city Yoongi-ssi! It ... It is difficult to travel daily',

This is what bothered me in the first place. But, how can we skip such huge deal because of travel issues.

'Dont worry as long as you have my back Hoseok', I smiled. 'I have a guesthouse around that area which is mostly 20 mins travel from your new office. We can shift to there', I assured him.

Hoseok is really cute. He is worrying about something so basic.

'But... It will be long way for you if you move there!!', he mumbled. True though. But nothing can be burden if Hoseok will be beside me.

'That doesn't...',

'That's not what I wanna convey Yoongi-ssi!! Please let me speak', Am I... Blocking him from talking???

'I... I decided to move near my new office ... alone', he gulped the whole drink. I felt a slightest pain in my heart. He wanna move out?? After all these?


What does he mean??

'Umm... I dont get you?',

'I am... I am sorry Yoongi-ssi!', he has tearful eyes. I can kill myself before making him cry.

'Dont be.... Please make me understand what actually the thing is..', I begged.

'From some time, I am trying to be emotionally independent. I wanna love myself and...this marriage...',

Please dont say it Hoseok. Please ..

'I am so sorry Yoongi-ssi!!! It has nothing to do with you. No therapy gonna work for me until I become emotionally independent. Right now, I am depending on you emotionally. It's just sugar coating the injury but not healing',

That's it???

Is it over now and forever??

'Marrying you was impulsive, but I never regretted it. But, at this moment of my life, I wanna give a chance to live by myself, which I never even dared to do. Please support my decision', he folded his hands crying.

What should I do now??

Things that are easier to get are easier to Lose too..

My whole world changed suddenly. I know it's difficult for Hoseok to like me and accept me, but I at least am able to see him daily.

'You wanna.. move out permanently?', my lips are shivering by saying such words.

'I... ',


'I want divorce... Legally', he looked down.

Press ⭐ Before you leave

A/N: Hello Everyone!!!!

A big thanks to all who did wait for me from very long tym.

I love you guys...

This is my teaser chapter to tell you guys that I am back. With in a month I will start weekly releases. Thanks for the long await. I wont disappoint you...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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