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Jedi Master Plo Koon's flagship exited out of hyperspace with a thundering sound, followed in suit by four other Venators Star Destroyers. The hangar bay doors opened wide and LAAT gunships emerged from the massive cruisers. They swarmed and began to fall to the surface of a cloudy world with lush greenery, Cato Neimoidia. In the hangar bay of Plo's flagship, the Wolfpack was mobilizing. Plo readied his ship for the coming siege. Tuning up the aim and making sure there was no previous damage. He looked over and saw Commander Wolffe was directing the troops. Grey and white patterned clones rushed back and forth in the commotion. Droids scampered to their assigned fighters. The ARC-170s were ready for combat.

Plo walked up to Wolffe, "Commander, I want you to lead the ground assault. I will lead our fighters ahead to remove defenses to make your job easier."

"Thank you General," Wolffe responded with enthusiasm. "I won't let you down, sir."

"I know," Plo placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, "You never have Wolffe."

Plo retracted his hand and walked off toward his Jedi fighter to begin the aerial assault. Plo turned and looked at Wolffe and said, "See you after the battle, my friend,"

Wolffe watched him and stood tall and saluted, and said to himself, "Yes sir."

He turned and walked off and boarded a LAAT. He was surrounded by his brothers, all combat-ready. The side doors closed and the red lights flashed on to prepare them to launch.  

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