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Darkness. Mumbling muffled voices from beyond. Plo's mind wandered. He felt the Force. It was in pain. Thousands of souls had suddenly screamed in pain and were quickly vanquished. He felt death, suffering, evil, rising to power. The dark side was prevalent, potent, powerful. He struggled but he felt confined. He didn't know where he was. He had no strength to move. He felt the shattered bones in his body. It wasn't pain, it was rebirth. He felt new life in him, he could feel his wounds mending, he could feel the scarred leathery hide on his back and forearms from the fire. They were healing but how? The Force struck him again harder. The balance of the Force had been shaken. He felt the darkness again. Rising power, like an ever-setting sun gave birth to more and more shadows until everything was completely obscured in darkness. He tried to reach out to find the light, his friends, Fisto, Windu, Kenobi, Skywalker, Master Yoda, the Jedi Order. He was simply groping in the shadows for a sense of hope. He felt Yoda and Kenobi, they were strong. He felt something else. Plo started seeing apparitions of his two friends. They had their sabers drawn, they were in battle. He felt the Force in a different light, it was tugging, a game of tug of war. Kenobi and Yoda on one side and the Sith on the other. The Sith pulled the hardest, they had already won, it was inevitable. Suddenly he felt Yoda, he was in pain. A ghostly image of Yoda fell down out of sight. He had lost. This invoked immense fear in Plo. Yoda had never lost a duel, except when it was against Plo himself. Kenobi was powerful, his bright star was overpowering the darkness of his adversary. Then pain, suffering. All he could sense was pain from Kenobi.

"You were the chosen one," echoed throughout the cosmos as if the whole galaxy heard those words...

It was a fault in the Force. Plo heard screaming and crying. This gave his mind the vision of children. It made him feel balance in the strangest of ways but that was suddenly obliterated by pure hatred. He shook violently trying to escape his prison. After he calmed, he reached out one more time. His mind sifted through corruption. Looking for one thing and one thing only, Ashoka Tano. She was like a daughter to him. He watched over her and observed her training. The day she left entered his head, never forgiving himself for what had happened to her. He never truly told her how he felt. His heart stung with regret. Finally, he found her, she was alive. He tried to contact her, their bond was once strong but he wasn't sure now after what had happened.

He spoke to her through the Force, two words she would know him for, "Little Soka,"

A pause came, silence. Then a familiar voice made itself heard to him. "Master Plo Koon."

This voice took Plo by surprise. Chills went down his spine. The voice had been dead for over ten years. "The manifestation of my voice is no trick my old friend."

It was the voice of the late Qui-Gon Jinn. "I have discovered a way to retain consciousness after death, though I have yet to master it. I left my teachings with Master Yoda and now I leave them with you."

Plo felt enlightened by this information. Suddenly his brain just obtained knowledge. With that Qui-Gon's voice was gone and the vision disappeared. Everything went black.

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