Order 66

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Many days later, Plo Koon flew over the under-hanging cities on Cato Neimoidia on a patrol run. The planet's geometry was very unique. The great grand canyons filled with mist and clouds. The massive stone arches reached into the sky from the cliff sides, almost like giant fossil ribs of a massive prehistoric beast. The cities are designed with exquisite architecture as they were suspended underneath the curve of massive arches. They had just liberated Cato Neimodia. Plo soared underneath the arches of stone with his squadron following behind him. Plo began to sense a ripple in the Force: dread, darkness, and death. Suddenly, Plo's ship was shot, by a clone. Order 66 was executed. Plo spiraled out of control. His ship hit a tower. It began to break and combust. Plo covered his head in a weak attempt to protect himself. His ship spun and crashed into a nearby structure. The cockpit glass shattered. Through the momentum of the collision, Plo was ejected out of the pilot seat. His ship bounced and dragged across the structure ending in a fiery explosion that would've consumed him. Plo was on fire mid-free fall. A large blade of shrapnel had impaled his right shoulder. He came closer and closer to the ground until Plo had reached out to the Force to help stop his fall but the connection was almost severed. He barely survived the fall, his robe being turned to ash and burning him alive. Fortunately for Plo, his species the Kel Dor could withstand the heat that would be dangerous to the average life form. He could survive the vacuum of space for a short time so he could survive the flames. But the fall had broken something, some many things inside him. He had landed in the middle of a transport highway. There was a nearby sidewalk with two passing Nemoidians watching him, shocked.

Plo cried out, "Help! My men, they..." He paused, the pain was too powerful, "Get me... somewhere... safe! Please!" Plo prayed they were on his side. 

The slimy, slippery Nemoidians had caused so much trouble in this war. Plo felt his strength leaving him. He tried to sit up and move before a speeder turned him into a blood stain. He couldn't do it. His strength left him, and he collapsed lifelessly on the ground. 

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