Undercover Plo

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Plo sat back and delved deep in thought in his new ship. Meditation was a great way to calm the mind. Plo had learned it a few centuries ago. It helped him focus on the issue at hand. He began to meditate over what happened. When the clones arrived he didn't sense them, he didn't feel them. The Force was stirring within them as it does when a being is about to kill. It still wasn't them, he didn't feel Wolffe or Boost or any other individual clome. Their presence wasn't there in that room. All the other clones were the same as well. Even if similar, each living being is very different in the Force. This time, they all felt the same. Darkness had overtaken them, they were not in control.

Plo refocused on reality, he had already made it. He arrived at Kattada, a temperate world with expansive clouds and miles of plains, dense jungle, and high altitudes. His ship breached the outer atmosphere. Calmly, he came into the natural air space of the planet. A button on the ship blinked indicating a landing dock at the nearest city. Plo swerved towards his destination and saw the great city. It was quite imposing, larger skyscrapers were at the city center, towards the perimeter of the city were shops, apartments, clubs, and cantinas. Plo landed at a docking port in the city wall. He hopped out of his ship and looked around. This planet was unfamiliar to him. He had never been to this planet and neither had the war. The government here was strong and firm with a powerful military force, they refused to be part of the Republic and the Separatists, and no one had dared to attempt to force them. The hanger was extremely open. All the other checked-in ships were hanging from the ceiling through magnetics. Plo walked up to the large payment area of the hanger with an Acrona running the booth. His T-shaped face was unique. The two crests that came out from above his eyes to the side were shinier for his species. His skin color was dark, almost black, and green.

"Hello, stranger, what is it that you need?" His voice was quite familiar. He sounded almost like Yoda.

"I will be keeping my ship here for a few days," Plo responded.

The Acrona exited the booth and grabbed a holopad. He walked with his arms curled up to his chest and with a bit of a hunch.

"Which ship is yours Mr?"

Plo thought quickly to be sure not to use his real name, "Mirreak, this Clandestine Type 85 X5.

"Oh. A fancy ship, from Cato Neimoidia. I'd be careful with her if I were you, the outer city is ridden with crooks and bandits. Some gangs are giving the local law enforcement a tough time, I bet they'd like your ship, a little too much if you know what I mean."

"I see," Plo was contemplating his options, "I think I'll take the risk and leave it here,"

"Very well, I guess I'll keep a good eye on it for you then,"

"Thank you, your kind offer will not go unrewarded,"

"Ha, I know." The Acrona looked at him with a blank expression, "That'll be 225 credits,"

"All I have are republic credits-"

"Those will not do, you need Kattada credits here, we are loyal only to Kattada."

Plo reached his hand out in front of his face and said, " Republic credits will do fine."

The Arcona repeated after him, "Republic credits will do fine."

Plo dropped the correct amount into the Arcona's hands. The Arcona scampered back to his booth and singled at two Trandoshans who activated a crane arm with a large electromagnet surface and it locked onto the ship. The arm lifted up and locked the ship into position with the others.

The exit of the hangar was on a transit system. Plo boarded the subway and it shot off towards the next station. The train was messy and full of litter. No one was on it except Plo. It was very strange and atmospheric. The train came to a stop and the doors creakingly slid open. Plo exited the train to see this station was a mess, graffiti on the walls, and trash blowing across the floor. A group of a few Duros and humans watched a Clawbite change forms as if it was putting on a show. Plo noticed that one Duro was scarred on his bulbous head and had a rifle slung around him. The other had a large knife on his hip. They must be part of the gangs the Arcona spoke of. Plo simply walked on but he felt their gaze strike him. He went up the wide stairway leading into the station. He surfaced into a semi-deserted area. A few shadows danced in the alleyways. These alleys were overflowing with trash. Plo thought this was definitely a dangerous area. He must be watching his back. Plo saw a sign that said "Corvus Clothing," Plo desperately needed a new cloak. He missed having that outer layer of security. Entering the store, a tall, green, lanky male Twi-lek greeted him

"Ah a customer, what is it that you desire from Corvus, from your appearance I read that," Corvus paused thinking with his tongue out. "You'd love a brand new cloak," Corvus said with enthusiasm.

"Indeed," Plo stayed calm. This Corvus was very hyper and moved swiftly across his small clothing shop. Plo added, "Nothing fancy, just a simple hooded road will do fine."

"Very well."

Corvus strutted confidently into the back room. Later, he returned with a dark brown cloak with a squiggly pattern outlining any edge.. Plo dawned his new cloak, it fit him well.

"This will do, thank you Corvus," Plo said while dropping the required credits into Corvus's hands. Fortunately, he didn't seem to care what credits they were, as long as they were something.

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