Chapter 23

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I don't know how long I stayed like that but for the entire time there were people pounding on the door and shouting my name, asking what's wrong. I sighed and started looking through the drawers. I was surprised when I found what I was looking for: cover up. I applied it to my red, puffy eyes and checked in the mirror. The color was just a little off but that's as believable as it's going to get.

I opened the door and everyone practically fell onto each other because they were pressed up to the door so tightly. I smirked and everyone looked up at me with concerned faces. "What the..." I trailed off. "What were you guys doing?"

They all looked at me with disbelief and surprise on their faces. Jordan was the first to speak up. "Jaime told us that you were crying. We just wanted to make sure you were alright." Her voice softened and she touched my shoulder. "You are, right?"

I nodded my head and shot a small glare at Jaime that, thankfully, nobody saw but him. He frowned and looked away. I smiled at everyone else though. "Ya, I'm Ok. I just accidentally hit my head on the wall when I was walking back towards the bathroom." I stated. The thing is, I'm a terrible liar but they seemed to believe this.

"Wait," Mike said. Dude, don't you dare. "Why were you screaming then?" He crossed his arms over his chest. Damn you.

I swallowed and gave it a try. "Uh, why would I scream? I didn't scream." I walked past them and made my way back over to the fridge since I didn't get my water. I grabbed one and took a big gulp before putting the cap back on. "So," I clap my hands and smile. "Who's ready to go shopping?"


"I'm an airplane!" I scream, hands out like wings and running around the mall parking lot. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, including my own friends.

Mike just smirked and scooped me up bridal style before running around like I previously was. "Watch out! Fun people trying to have a good time, and not giving a fuck about what people think, coming through!" He boomed, his voice extremely loud especially since my head was near his mouth. I laughed and he switched me over so I was on his back. I could tell we were probably going to be really close, him being like the big brother I wish I had.

I put my hands over his eyes and we were doing a weird trust exercise thing. I told him to go left a step and he did it, same with the right side.

Our first stop; Hot Topic. I squealed like a kid in a candy store and ran inside, everyone chuckling behind me. My first stop was the jewelry. The necklaces were so pretty! Mike came up to me and said I could get whatever I wanted since they were a famous band and had a lot of money. I quickly shook my head and declined. "No, I couldn't do that to you guys. Take advantage of your wealth like that. Its fine, I have my own money and-"

Mike silenced me by putting a finger to my lips. "No. Don't even think about it. I'm buying everything for you and Jordan whether you like it or not. And that's final." I sighed and pouted. No use arguing over it, he will never change his mind. I give him a look and walk away towards the shirts, starting my search through the clearance rack.


After we finished in Hot Topic I ended up with 10 new shirts: 2 BVB, 3 PTV, 2 OM&M, 1 FIR, and 2 SWS. I also got 5 pairs of black skinny jeans, a Death Note belt, a pair of all black Converse, and about 8 necklaces.

After that, we decided to get food so we headed to the food court. Walking around, we finally decided on pizza and ordered a large pepperoni to go. We took it outside since it was a beautiful day and ate out there.

The sky was a perfect light blue, only a couple of clouds in sight. Birds flitted around the trees surrounding the building and were tweeting beautiful tunes. I wish it was always like this. No worries, not having to care about anything important, just spending time with my friends.

I was about to finish off my first slice of pizza when Jaime looked around the parking lot and all of the sudden he straightened his back and got a cautious look in his eye. Mike and Tony noticed too and did the same as Jaime, pizza forgotten. "Uh oh."

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