Chapter 45

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Today was the last day of the tour. To say I was a little upset would be an understatement. I loved these guys so much. These past couple of months have been far better than I could have hoped for. I have literally had the most fun I've ever had in my entire life.

Kellin suggested that I move in with him and of course I agreed, I mean I'm sure I would be a burden to Jordan and I never want to go back to my father's ever again. I don't even want to look at my old house, it makes me sick just thinking about it.

All of the sudden my thoughts were interrupted when I felt quick taps on my head and I looked up to see that Mike was drumming his sticks on my arms, head, and shoulders. I tried swatting him away but he wouldn't stop. "Get those fucking things away from me, giraffe boy."

Yes, I decided to stick with my nickname for this doofus. I also made up a weird nickname for Vic and Jaime too, or shall I say monkey head and jellybean. Tony's nickname is going to stay Turtle because 1, I like it, and 2, it's easy to remember.

"Why do you keep calling me that, Ody? Its not nice." He chuckled and skipped towards the front of the bus, drumming on every surface as he passed them. I rolled my eyes and went back to packing. Yesterday I went out and bought a suitcase so that I didn't have to carry around all of my clothes in the bags I got from the shops I bought them in. All of my stuff fit perfectly into it and I zipped it closed smoothly. Smiling, I stepped back and grabbed the case to set it into the junk bunk again before turning and exiting the bus.

I walked over to SWS bus to surprise Kellin. Everyone said he wasn't feeling well before they went out to explore this last town. I decided to surprise him and make him food and watch movies while cuddling until he had to perform. Even though he was not feeling well, he couldn't let his fans down. He wasn't that kind of person.

I pulled open the door and hopped inside. I looked around but noticed that no one was in the front lounge. He's probably in his bunk. I thought, saying his name. "Kellin?" I didn't yell in case he was sleeping. I heard a noise and smiled getting all happy. So he is on here.

I walked back and slowly opened his bunk curtain only to find that he wasn't there. I opened all of the curtains now, but none of them held my wonderful, amazing Kellin. Then it hit me. Duh, back lounge. I mentally facepalmed myself. Of course he'd be back there, it is the comfiest place on the bus. I know that that's where I sleep when I'm not feeling well.

I happily walked to the back lounge and opened the door silently, hoping I didn't wake him if he was sleeping. But, what I saw made me sick to my stomach.

There he was but he wasn't alone. A girl was sat on top of him, her skirt hiked up and Kellin's pants down by his ankles. They were in a serious make out session as she moved back and forth on top of him. Oh god, I'm going to throw up. I felt tears silently flow down my cheeks as I tried to leave. Just my luck, being the graceful pegasus I was, I tripped over my own feet and I fell with a bang onto the floor. I hit my head on the doorframe when I went down as well.

"Oh my god." I heard Kellin say. There was a rustle and a distinct zip sound before he came over to me and grabbed my arms, trying to help me up. But I didn't want his help. I don't know why he would do that to me...

"Don't fucking touch me you fucking asshole!! Get the hell away from me!!" I screamed, the tears flowing harder now. I put my hand on the floor and pushed off to stand back up. I looked over at Kellin who's eyes were wide and his mouth hanging open slightly. "'Close your mouth dear, you'll catch flies.'" I spat angrily in his face before storming towards the front. I just need to get off of this damn bus!

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