Chapter 29

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This chapter is dedicated to: @fallingismyweakness
thank you for telling me that I needed to update more. This is my second chapter today so I'm dedicating it to you. ❤❤❤

(Jaime's P.O.V.)

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and I didn't even wait for the bus to stop fully before I grabbed Odette and ran inside the building.

I raced up to the front desk and once the nurse saw the blood soaked towel wrapped around Odette's arm she got the medics and they put her on a gurney before rushing away. I tried to follow but one of the nurses pushed me back into the waiting room. "I'm sorry sir but her condition is critical and its literally life and death right now. The doctors need to focus and they can't do that if you're in there. We'll update you immediately if something happens."

I sat down hopelessly and put my head in my hands. This is all my fault. I should have rushed there first instead of the front lounge. I should have gotten to her faster. I should have made sure she got in the shower Ok. I should have... God let's just say I should have done a lot of things.

I felt a hand on my arm and I looked up at Mike. I stood up and wrapped him in a giant hug. When I stepped back I noticed he had tears in the corners of his eyes and he tried to hide it but he saw me looking and a couple spilled down his cheeks.

By his side was Jordan. She was calmed down from her crying earlier and now only a single tear slipped silently every now and then.

We waited in the stupid uncomfortable waiting room chairs while Odette was in there fighting for her life. I have never felt more helpless than I do right now.

Tony and Adam eventually showed up along with Kellin from SWS. I'm guessing one of the guys texted him about it and he decided to come with them.

We waited for hours, so long that Mike had to practically force Jordan back onto the bus to get some sleep. "You'll text me if something happens, right?" She asked me. I nodded my head and she sighed before Mike carried her off.

I turned to look at Tony and said, "So Vic didn't want to come." He just slowly shook his head and looked out the window.

It was raining, big shocker there. It rained on sad days in the movies, so I guess that made sense. This all felt too sad and worrisome to be real. It just felt like one big movie, nightmare, and joke rolled into one. In case you don't know what that feels like, it's the worst possible thing in the world. You expect things to turn out alright but yet you don't at the same time.

Anything could happen in a life and death situation like this, and that's what scares me the most.

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