Chapter 1

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I wake up to cool air tickling my nose. I must have left the window open last night. My stomach grumbles, and I sit up, stretching my arms up in the air. I was still feeling tired but that will soon change once I get up and moving.

I should probably start with telling you my name. I'm Odette Lynn Byner. Weird name, I know. But I guess I have to deal with it for forever. I'm 22 years old and on my senior year in college, majoring in music, minoring in art. I love cats, but I don't know why. My favorite food is pizza, favorite drink is monster, blah blah blah... I really doubt you want to hear my life story so I'll just skip to the part where I tell you to watch and find out. :)

As I make my way downstairs, I hear snoring coming from the living room. Great, dad is passed out again. He goes to the bar 6 days a week, but not on Sunday because it's too crowded for football. Instead he buys a bottle of Jack Daniels and locks himself in his bedroom crying about his problems.

I really shouldn't be down here when he wakes up so I sneak into the pantry, grab a cereal bar, and make my way back upstairs to get ready for hell-uh I mean school.

I grab my hair straightener out of its hiding spot in the bathroom, plug it in, do what I need to do, unplug it, then store it away again. My makeup is just a simple line of eyeliner on the top of my eyelids, a little on the bottom, and mascara. I lean back and stare at my reflection, disgusted with what I see. But it'll have to do.

When I go to my closet, I pick out a black leather jacket, black corset, along with a red plaid skirt, some fishnet leggings, and my beat up converse. I add a red bow in my hair just to throw in some more color. All done.

I exit the house, locking it behind me. Soon after, a beat up Chevy rolls around the corner and I stand up to greet the familiar friend. When it stops in front of me, I pop open the door, climb inside, and immediately turn on the radio.

A laugh soon choruses through the cab of the truck, and I smile, happy I can amuse him. He is my best friend, Jack. He and I have been friends since day 1. A.k.a. kindergarten. We have always stuck by each others sides, have barely fought, and always know how to cheer each other up.

Oh, and another important little teeny tiny detail: he's gay. I guess that makes it easier to be friends with him because he won't take a love-kinda liking to me and that's a huge relief. Also, he's seen me naked before and he doesn't gawk or stare or whistle or anything that a normal young adult male would do.

"Wassup bestie!" He screams over the music. "You ready?"

"Hell no, but I don't want an F. So let's go!" I yell back with fake enthusiasm.

Jack grins and we set off towards our own hell on earth: college.

~Hey guys! If you're reading this that must mean I don't suck too bad... sooo.... how did you like it?? Its my first ever story on here and I'm a little nervous. I really don't want any hate, so if u don't like it then don't read it. If you do like it, please feel free to tell me so. I might need the encouragement :) lol so ya ... um... Bye!

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