Chapter 36

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"Oh my god, she's going to hate us so much."
"Haha I know right? We're dead."
I woke up to voices talking above me. Opening my eyes, I saw it was Adam and Tony. "What the hell are you guys doing?"
They just snickered before walking away and heading towards the kitchen. Boys. I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and got up.
My back ached so bad. Sure the couch was comfy to sit on for movies, but for sleeping? Hell no.
Lost in my own thoughts I didn't realize that I was about to run into Jaime, seeming as how he was now awake. What I heard from him while he was sleeping last night still had me in shock. I had no idea he liked me like that.
Jaime took one look at me and busted out laughing. "Really guys??" He asked in the middle of his fit. Ok, this was getting annoying. Why is everyone acting so strange?
"What? What's going on?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. Jaime stopped laughing and just looked at me. Before I knew it, he took my hand and led me down the hallway towards the bathroom. Is my hair messed up? Is there something on my face? What?
He opened the door and flicked the light on, illuminating the mirror. What I saw before me made me gasp and turn red from embarrassment. It seems they got into Izzy's makeup bag that she left here when we kicked her out, and they gave me a makeover.
Bright turquoise eye-shadow completely covered my eyelids along with really thick black eyeliner. My mascara was done completely wrong and my cheeks looked like tomatoes. But my lips... Those were the worst. They somehow found blue lipstick and coated my lips with it and put bright red lipliner in a circle shape around them. That's it. They're dead.
"Tony!!!! Adam!!!!" I screamed. They walked up to me with a sheepish look on their faces. "I get payback for this." I gestured to my whole face and they slowly started cracking up again.
Tony shook his head and put a hand on my shoulder. "You look fabulous if it counts for anything." That made me smile and pretty soon we were all in stitches from laughing so hard.
"O-okay! I- hahaha Ok. I get payback now." I grabbed the makeup bag and Adam immediately stopped laughing and froze in place, staring wide eyed at the bag. He looked at me, back down at the makeup, back at me, and he tried to run out the door but Tony caught him and locked it. "It was your idea, you get to go first."
"Next time, I'll listen to your plans instead." Adam took a deep breath and sat down on the lid of the toilet. "Just... Make me look like a fucking beautiful princess okay? And no pictures!" He yelled as Jaime took out his phone.
Jaime rubbed his hands together mischievously and said, "This is gonna be good."
Two hours later and we were all sitting around on the couches like last time, except there was a slight difference that set this one apart from the others.
Me and Jordan put makeup on every single one of the boys. And may I just say, they looked pretty damn sexy thanks to our awesome skills.
Vic looked like he wanted to murder me, Adam was eating a sandwich and complaining that he was ruining his lipstick, Mike was taking selfies, Tony was reapplying lipstick to Adam's lips after every time he took a bite so that he would not complain, and Jaime was beyond the point of wanting to just murder me. He looked like he wanted to pour a bucket of acid on me, roll me in a bed of nails, and pin me to a cross before setting me on fire and burning me at the stake. Yes, I can tell that's exactly how he wants to do it. I just can. His eyes say it all.
"Odette, I literally want to pour a bucket of acid on you then-" he started, but I cut him off.
"Ya, ya, I know. Then roll me in a bed of nails before burning me on a cross." I finished in a bored tone. His fabulous mascara clumped eyelashes blinked a couple times before he just shook his head.
"You know what, I don't even want to know how you knew that." He whispered.
Jordan finally made me cave and take pity on the poor souls so I reluctantly grabbed some makeup wipes and gave the men their dignity back.
We settled down once again and finished the night with Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi.
I snuggled into Jaime's side like I sometimes did and he stroked my hair, soothing me into silence. My eyelids grew heavy with every passing minute and before I knew it I had fallen asleep, dreaming about drowning and not being able to breath.
I jolted awake and hit my head on the roof of mine and Jaime's bunk. I winced and grabbed my head, trying to sooth the pain. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around me and pull me down into his side. "Bad dream?" He whispered, shifting until he was comfortable again. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist.
What did I do to deserve such an amazing friend in my life? Seriously, I have no idea. I've been nothing but a pathetic excuse for a daughter, a helpless and annoying waste of space at school, and a weak and fragile package when it came down to dealing with things. I didn't deserve these past two weeks, I didn't deserve to be on this tour, and I didn't even deserve to go to that concert. Why? Why am I so fucked up?
Jaime seemed to be calming my thoughts because as soon as they came, they disappeared In the same amount of time. He kissed my head and looked me in the eyes. "You're going to be okay. I'm here." We both smiled and I drifted back off into a deep sleep, this time it was sweet and peaceful. Maybe it was going to be ok now.
As long as he was here, it would always be ok.

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