Meeting the Borgs

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Author's Note: Hey Guys, Welcome back! I am hoping you are enjoying your days. So Yeah I am having a great day. There is 1 week till I start school, Which means I might be taking a while to make chapters! So let's not worry about that and get on with the story!

By The Way! Today's Song is High Life by Chris Valentine!  

Pixal POV

As always in the morning, 

I have breakfast and sometimes wake early to do the shopping for my father, Cyrus Borg.

I would greet others,

But no one knows that I am a robot.

2 Reasons,

One, I was actually a baby robot and during my growth, my father taught me a lot about life.

And Two, I am using a cloaking device to hide my robot side,

If everyone saw me like that, they would be spooked and who knows if they would ever like me.

Normally I was a robot girl with white skin and purple details green eyes and silver hair.

I look more like my father in my cloaking device, I have brown skin and black and silver hair.

I also wear glasses like my father and lots of people think I am a Father-like daughter.

Yesterday I have received a call from a young lady called Nya,

So started to make plans and I clean up the house before Zane came.

It would be strange to meet someone who is like me,

I mean no one near the harbour of Ninjago has a robot with them.

My father was telling me that Zane wasn't like me, he was like a computer and an assistant so teaching him everything will take a while.

I just need to promise myself that I can do this,

But what if something happens?

But I shouldn't think about the negatives,

I soon hear the doorbell ring.

That must be them,

I soon opened the door and see a young lady with a robot.

"Oh, you must be..." I trail off,

"Nya, yes and this is Zane," she says.

I look over and see Zane, 

Suddenly I had this strange feeling as if I have got butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh, nice to meet you," I say,

"Are you Mr Borg's wife?" Nya asks me.

I giggle, 

"No, I'm his daughter," I say.

"Really? I thought..." she trails off and I realise that I still got my cloaking device on.

"Oh sorry," I say,

I soon take off my glasses and then turn off my cloaking device.

"Oh, Wow!" Nya says,

"Yeah, I normally have my cloaking device most of the time," I say.

"So do you want me to stay or do you want me to leave?" Nya asks me.

"It's your choice because I might ask Zane to stay with me," I say,

"Okay, so call me when you me to pick Zane up, okay?" Nya tells me. 

"Okay," I say,

"Zane, do you want to come in?" I ask him.

What is Life?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora