Storms In the Violent Sea

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Author's Note: Hope You are enjoying this, fun fact this is the third last chapter. Well, the last chapter will be pretty short, but my next book is gonna be awesome. You'll see, there is gonna be lots of action!

Zane POV

Every day I kept growing closer to Pixal, 

I also kept having those strange dreams of myself with my father.

I was hoping to find him one day and reunite with him,

I could sense Pixal's father having guilt when I ask him about my father.

The fact was that Pixal's father was great friends with mine,

I wanted to know a lot about my father.

Every day I went to the library and there was lots of information about my father and how he was a successful inventor.

He made all sorts of things, 

I read all sorts of books about him and there was lots of information about his friendship with Cyrus Borg.

Pixal would sometimes ask me not to read those books since they don't provide lots of info.

We went to the museum and see some of my father's coolest inventions, 

They were pretty old and rusted but ancient.

I admired his works and then I saw a boat, 

It had his name marked on it.

That is when I frowned at it,

It looked broken and in ruins.

He made lots of boats that didn't work as well in the ocean,

There was one missing.

Maybe it was in the sea still and no one has found it,

There was also information about the lost one.

It said that they hadn't found it yet,

But as I read through the information they found.

I look devastated as I read through it,

"Dr Julien tested his last boat and has been on the papers that he failed and drowned in a storm at sea with the last invention destroyed" I read through.

No, it can't be!

Dr Julien can't be dead,

No, I am not going to believe that.

But there was proof from the old newspapers on display,

I suddenly back off from the display and start to run back out of the museum.

"Zane! Where are you going?" I hear Pixal ask me,

I ignore her and run quickly outside to the harbour.

I soon look out at sea,

I couldn't hide my tears.

I started to cry,

Images flash in my head as I remember those terrible nightmares of myself calling out to my father.

I want my father back,

I soon get up and then get on a boat and soon I sail to the deepest part of the sea.

I soon without even thinking I dive in and look for the broken-down boat,

I found it in a dark spot.

I take a look inside the wreckage,

"Father?" I cry out.

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