EP 11: That one time

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Okay so I'm writing this on my phone so its gonna be shit and you're welcome. 

So, where do I start? 

So when I was 15, I had this crush on this guy named Lachlan (more about his dumb ass soon.) And yeah, I eventually moved away from where I met him and went to another school. It was kinda sad for me as the school I had gone to with Lachlan was so small that I knew almost everyone in the highschool classes.

In this new school I knew no one. 

Anyway, I head into class on my first day and sit down and within a few minutes this kid comes flying over to me. He was a lanky, brunette happy go lucky guy who seemed super interested in chatting with me. Now, IRL I'm pretty damn shy with new ppl so I was a little weirded out by all the attention, but I tried to be nice. 

Within a few minutes of this kid being near me, this girl comes sauntering over and introduces herself as his girlfriend. Now, she wasn't nasty by any means - well, on the surface anyway. I could see the absolute borderline protective yandere in her eyes tho. 

To any guy it probably would seem she was being lovely but I could see clearly that she was like, 'Stay tf away from my boyfriend' 

And my ass is trying to send back, 'I don't want your bf pls get him away from me.'  I was honestly not interested in making friends at all. I just wanted to go back to my old school.

I'm not even sure how she even saw me as competition tbh. I considered myself pretty mediocre at the time and the gf was this cute, anime like girl with big blue eyes and long curly light brown hair and freckles. (Not to mentiond she had a pretty nice body.)  There was no way my brown haired brown eyed Pixar mum self was going to be worth losing such a girlfriend for. 

Anyway, i figured out later on that their names were Manny and Asia. 

Now Asia seemed to have herself a little reverse harem of sorts. Not only did she have her bf but she had a best friend (Elvis) Presley. She was overly clingy with both of them to the point where you couldn't tell who was the actual boyfriend. 

Anyway, as Asia was in a couple grades lower than mine and Manny's and Presley's, her juvenile ass had to go to a different class. 

So we get to our desk, which is like a shared table for four ppl and Manny's sitting there and I'm sitting there and Elvis Parsley is sitting there. While the teacher was exploding verbal diarrhea I was texting my aunt who was going to pick me up. 

The whole time, Presley was sitting there, grinning and watching me.

And I'm just sitting there like, 😅 (bitch are you Jin and I'm a mirror? Like tf go look at the teachers bald ass or smth) 

This bitch has the Granny's tiddies audacity to play footsies with me under the table. I was freaked out. My inside were mums spaghetti. 

I begged for an alien spaceship to come pick cow parsley beside me up and take him to another universe  because my introverted ass was just about to play footsies with his face. 

Luckily I left early and then another day came around. 

The school was having some weird celebration like theys was smth special and they set up this water slide. They told me to bring togs (swim clothes) and so I bought a shirt and shorts. 

Wouldn't you know,  Asia and her plethora of husbands arrived on the scene. She was wearing a white shirt and short shorts. She goes for a dip and I stood there with Parsley face. We ted a bit before Asia and her wet, see through shirt (revealing her dark coloured push up bra that absolutely makes sense under a white shirt like Taehyung makes sense with me-) walks over to us. 

I thought she was coming to talk, but girl literally walks over and pulls her already short shorts up her buttcrack like she trying to make some homemade thong. 

Now, I ain't gonna shame her for it. She can wear whatever however, but like why did I need to see that- like why in front of me? If she was trying to pull me into her harem, I'm flattered but I don't share. 

Was she doing a territorial thing? Idk. All I know is that her men were not my type at all and I didn't even want to be in the same vicinity as them let alone try to steal them off of her-

Eventually somethin happened to her IG because she stopped coming to school and I kept seeing Manny everywhere and it was fucking annoying. 

Anyway, what do you think? 

Have you had a similar experience? 

Sorry for the lack of memes Jungkook thought they were dino crunchies. 


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