My crochet hell

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So, I told myself as a kid that if I had a grandmother that could crochet/sew/knit that I would learn the art from her.

The universe delivered, and my end of the bargain was kept.

But why TF am I so bad at crocheting-

Jk I'm a newbie y'all

So the first thing was this top and it drove me insane like It literally aged me twenty years

And y'all may be like but it looks good but girl it don't I'm just posing the band on it was like fucking wavy Af and I made the band at the back to short and yeah it was a mess and I'll never wear it

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And y'all may be like but it looks good but girl it don't I'm just posing the band on it was like fucking wavy Af and I made the band at the back to short and yeah it was a mess and I'll never wear it

Three days of hell for nothing.

Next up is this coraline looking mf

It's supposed to be a frog but y'all might have thought it was slender man's son he ran out on-

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It's supposed to be a frog but y'all might have thought it was slender man's son he ran out on-

I hate the colour I wanted it to be normal green but didn't have that colour so yeah

Also I don't have a name for it so feel free to name it

So yeah, so far that's what I've crocheted and my grandma is proud😌✌️ cuz I'm a fucking legend


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