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So first of all, hello guys.
Thank you all for over 2,2k reads, I'm so astonished, because I never expected so many people to read and be interested in my shitty writing style writing shitty stories. But still you are here, thank you love.

Back to the point tho (I'll already know I'll swift away again later). I know that you all can read that normally I update all my books after 3-5 days haha right? But my last one came out on 01.01 which is obviously more then 5 days 😬. I had a lot going on, I mean I never planned on writing that here, but I'm a normal german/french 13 year old who has to go to school, socialize, eat, life, study and just exist. So the last few weeks and months, my life got stressed and some stuff happened. (I'm not even gonna start on my mental health)

So I'm sorry that I haven't updated in so long. But the point is, for me there is no point in continuing this book, which breaks my heart because I thought this would be a fanfic Ill finally be able to finish. I'm so sorry.

But I once wrote a „last chapter" it's about a mcd (main character death) and it was supposed to be the end of this book thing. There was supposed to be a spin off, how everyone life's with ... death. If y'all interested, please write a comment so I know if I at least can give y'all this.

But a little more information about the upcoming death chapter. I will make a big TW at the start because I have to say, it's extremely triggering and it is written out of my own experience. So yes, it will be about 2-3k words or even more. It will be stragic and stuff.

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