Pretty Please

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Nat was rehearsing his lines in the workshop room, back against a cold mirrored wall. He was focused and trying to remember what P'Kla had taught him about seeing beyond dialogues and blocking. How he had to think outside the box, to try and understand what his character was feeling at this exact moment of the story, what had happened before that led to this exact moment. It wasn't too difficult, Diao was a cute kid with a penchant for secrets and an undying love for a guy who didn't seem to be interested in him at all. Really, Nat could almost relate. Not that he had ever loved someone, but still, he knew how it felt to think you didn't belong. Regardless, Nat was focused and managed to mute everyone around him. That was probably more difficult than actually remembering his line. So many boys packed into a relatively small room was bound to bring chaos and a lot of laughter. He would have loved for Max to be with him so they could rehearse together and talk about their characters' feelings, but the older man had decided he had already spent too much time reading and had gone bother Zee.

He absentmindedly searched for his cup of iced coffee while his eyes were glued to his script. After a few seconds of unsuccessful search, the missing drink materialized in front of him alongside a powerful-looking hand he knew well. Lifting his eyes from his script, he met the bright smile of his P'Max, eyes disappearing into two little moon crescents. It seemed that he was, as always, in a cheerful mood.

"Thanks, P'Max." he said while grabbing for the extended cup.

"You're welcome, Nong." Max sat beside him, so close they were literally pressed against each other. Nat couldn't deny it always felt nice when his older friend would do that; he felt warm and giddy inside, a bit like when you would put on a warm hoodie on a late chilly night. "Did you finish reading the script?"

"I think I'm done for now, Phi. What about you? Ready to give it a try?"

"Sure." Max smiled, and it was always so bright it was almost disturbing. Nat loved that smile, but sometimes he felt a tiny bit uncomfortable knowing that anyone could see that smile. If felt too precious to share with just anyone like that.

They spent a few hours repeating line after line, throwing in some banters and teasing. As always, the first rehearsals were always a bit chaotic, full of laughter and stuttering, messing up lines, and approximative acting. They didn't get much done, but they had a lot of fun; they felt a little closer to their characters, and that in itself was progress. P'Kla had coached them a bit at some point in the afternoon. He took time to explain things they hadn't entirely understood about Yi and Diao and told them to be ready to try acting some scenes tomorrow.

It was already well past dinner time when they were freed from the workshop, and they were getting ready to leave. Nat was putting on his jacket when Max came behind him and put his chin on his shoulder.

"Do you have anyone coming to pick you up or do you want me to give you a ride home?" Nat felt the skin of his neck tickle as Max's breath caressed it, and he refrained a shiver. Damn, he should be used to it by now. It's been literal years since Max started clinging to his back and whispering stuff into his neck. "Nong?" Max nudged him gently, and Nat snapped out of his private little meltdown and turned around to see his partner.

"Actually Phi, it might be good to rehearse some more tonight don't you think?" The younger didn't mean to talk in a pout and certainly didn't mean to make big puppy eyes at his Phi, but somehow it still happened. And he could pinpoint the exact moment Max melted. The tale-tell signs were easy to spot for Nat now. A little quiver of the lips, pretty eyes going softer, and his big frame curling over himself. Nat swore he wasn't doing it on purpose. He didn't want to take advantage of Max's weakness for his cuteness but it somehow still happened from time to time. As if Nat's brain knew something he himself wasn't aware of.

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