Behind Closed Doors

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 "Hgn... P'Max~"

A tall figure stopped in their tracks as a sultry, moaning voice echoed in the empty hallway. The person a young man in his early twenties sneaked closer to the origin of the voice. A door with a "Maintenance" sign hanging sideways seemed to be all that was separating the young man from the debauched couple inside. In an uncontrollable childish urge, he put his ear against the door, feeling his cheeks heating at his immature eavesdropping. A familiar voice carried through the door once again.

"I'm...ha ha... I'm going to... to come, P'Max~"

A sudden flush spread down Nunew's neck, and the young actor scurried away.

Two hours earlier.

Nat had a plan.


Nunew had a plan, and Nat was supposed to execute it.

But so far, nothing had gone the way he thought it would.

Firstly, Nat was supposed to look gorgeous in the tight blue jeans Nunew had forced onto his ass, and his baby pink hoodie was cropped just enough to let a sliver of stomach show. According to Nunew, P'Max was supposed to be mesmerized by how good Nat looked or some equally ridiculous adjective that Nat would never dare associate with P'Max looking at him.

That part of the plan seemed to be at least half successful, judging by the appreciative looks he had gotten from some of his DMD brothers.

Secondly, his dear Nunew was supposed to spend his night hawk-eyeing Max's reaction to Nat being all dolled-up. For this to have worked, Nunew should have stayed with him long enough to actually observe P'Max. But five minutes after the Jelly Gang arrived at the party, P'Zee had come and stolen him away, Nat's best friend following the older man to God knew where without a second thought.

But if Nat were being honest, this part of the plan would have been a complete failure anyway...

Max had barely spared a glance in Nat's direction since he and Nunew arrived. Sure, his Phi came to say hello – all tight black dress shirt and fitting jeans – gave Nat a quick one-armed hug, and blew a kiss in his hair. But Nat had barely had the time to say two words to him, not even that he missed his Phi the last couple of days, before Max had already gone back to sit with the oldest DMD members. Clearly, Jelly had been wrong. P'Max didn't like him that way .

Since then, Nat had been sulking.

On the good side, the location where they were holding the party was nice, the cold, industrial decoration making it look like a trendy nightclub. At least, Nat assumed this was what a club probably looked like; his knowledge limited to drama he'd watched . The music was deafening but pleasant, even though it would likely be nicer if P'Max were the DJ. Not for the music. Well... for the music, too, but especially because his Phi always looked extra hot when he was behind his turntables.

Don't think about him, Nat! P'Max abandoned you!

Anyway, for anyone in the mood for dancing, this was great.

But Nat was not in the mood for dancing.

He was sulking .

After P'Max's five second appearance and Nunew's disappearance, he had decided to ignore the scene and the dance floor to go straight to the bar and the buffet. If Nunew and P'Max were going to ignore him, Nat was going to eat his feelings away.

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