Chapter Sixty Three.

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Kellin's eyes slipped open a bit as he felt the  mattress sink behind him, arms snaked around his middle as his annoying, clingy, octopus of a brother proceeded to smother him in his sleep. They shut on their own, deciding not to be bothered anymore.

"...Its too hot and too damn early for your stickiness. Go away." He muttered, struggling to bat away the finger poking at his stomach.

"You do realize it's nearly eleven right?." Alex's chirpy tone made his eyebrow twitch.

"Who cares, its Saturday, leave me the hell alone." He muttered, giving up on getting Alex off him, he instead twisted around to wrap his own arms around his brother in return, burying his face into Alex's chest, his breathing starting to even out once again.

Alex's hand came up to run his fingers through Kellin's hair as he snickered.
"Are you forgetting what day it is today?." He heard Kellin graon, probably indicating to him to shut up.
"Saturday Kellin, what's happening today?."

It was silent for a couple seconds, Alex wasnt even surprised when Kellin jerked away from him with wide eyes, looking like a lost soul.

"That's today?!." He asked, then started smacking Alex on the arm.
"Why didnt you say so from the start?."
His annoying twin laughed, pulling him back into a hug.

"Its this afternoon actually. " Alex said cheerfully, preventing Kellin from escaping and hitting him by clamping down on his arm.
"If I leave you to sleep any longer you would have missed the entire thing,  including your precious Senpai."

"Shut up. " Kellin grumbled.

Alex fell silent, making Kellin wonder just what he was up too, a quiet Alex is a dangerous Alex.
"Are you gonna tell him you like him back?." His twin asked.
"I mean he practically confessed his love for you in front of dad and the rest of us."

Kellin smacked Alex on the shoulder, huffing out a breath of air.
"Stop talking nonsense." He said, pulling at Alex's head.

"But you do. Its clear as day." Alex grinned, before his face turned serious.
"I think you should give him a chance."

"..What?." Kellin paused, staring at his twin in surprise. He heard that correctly right?.

"Give him a chance." Alex repeated, poking Kellin in the middle of his forehead.
"What are you so afraid of, talk to him. I think he's the one Kellin."

Kellin felt his eyes burn at that, what nonsense was Alex talking about.
"Are you nuts? What are you asking me t-." Alex grabbed his face in a instant, pulling him forward to slam their foreheads together a bit to aggressively making Kellin hiss at the sting.

"Dont you dare put yourself down, who the hell do you think you're talking too? A friend? I'm your brother dumbass and if my instincts tell me that Ayame-Senpai is the one for you then you damn well know that you can trust me." He said squishing Kellin's cheeks between his palms, trying not to laugh at the puffer fish looking back at him.
"Dont hesitate on this stupid, tell him that you like him as well, we're all supporting you, our entire family is behind you, besides cant you see? The way that guy looks at you I swear, if you say you want the stars in the sky that guy would literally die trying to get them for you."

Kellin stared at his brother, stunned. That had the be the longest rant he had ever hears Alex get into.
"When did you become so wise all of a sudden." He huffed shakily.

Alex hugged him back more tightly, grinning from ear to ear, He already knew Kellin was going to listen even if he grumbled and complained about it.

Fifteen minutes later, after Kellin decided that he had grumbled enough, he dragged himself out of bed, kicking Alex behind the knees when the bastard kept teasing him. Downstairs was lively as ever, his stomach made itself known by growling as soon as he walked into the kitchen.

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