Chapter Fifteen

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Alex relaxed back against his seat, tapping his fingers as Teegan sat next to him sipping on a smoothy.
Something was bugging him but Alex pushed it at the back of his mind.
Come to think of it, where was his beloved brother?.

He curled his arm around Teegan and lifted his own drink to his lips, they were sitting with Ryou, Krist. Sachi, Akashi and Yuuichi, all chatting.
He wondered if nothing was bugging them. He sighed, turning his head to press a kiss to Teegan's temple.

It was quiet for a few minutes before Seira came running up to their table, tears flowing down her cheeks like a waterfall. Alex immediately felt anger spike in him, who the hell made his little sister cry?.

"Sei-." He didnt get to finish her name before she grabbed his arm and was pulling him towards the exit of the school.
"Seira, what's going on?." He asked again, glancing back to see Teegan give him a sad look. He was about to ask again when a hand was suddenly on his shoulder. He looked up to see his uncle Sasori, his face seldom.

"Uncle Sasori?." He asked softly and his uncle shook his head, looking back towards the group of boys watching them.

"Sachi, bring the boys and come." He said, voice firm.

"Coming dad!." He got as a response and the four boys all came running towards them.

"I'm sorry Teegan, but we'll be taking them for  the day." Sasori explained shortly before ushering the boys to the vehicle waiting for them, Itachi was leaning against the door rubbing his temple.

Alex watch Seira and mila throw themselves at his father, sobbing as he picked them up.
Really. What was going on?
That thought ran through his head as they climbed into the car.

"Dad, what happened?." He asked, watching his father drive.
His uncle Sasori signed patiently with them and his eyes widen with the next words that came out of his uncles mouth.

"Your mother and Kellin has been shot, they're both at the hospital." He said.
"There was so much blood... Kami".

Alex felt his heart stop for a minute, vaguely hearing the sobbing of his two sisters, this wasn't happening right.. His mom and brother were fine right?. But as he looked at his dad and the way his hands tighten on the steering wheel told him that no, this was not a joke.

He felt his throat clog as tears burnt his eyes, Besides him his cousins were no better, Sachi was openly crying curled up against Sasori, while his father Petted  his hair.

It didn't take long for them to reach the hospital, Alex practically leaped out of the car, and no body bothered to stop him, reaching the desk as his dad reached him.
" Mrs Uchiha Sakura's room please. " Itachi asked, hands resting on his back. Seira and Mila were looking miserable standing there.

Alex picked up his youngest sister, allowing mila to burrow her head in his neck and cry. It wasn't everyday that they heard their mom and brother were in the hospital.

"Ah, room 357.." The nurse said, pointing down the hallway.
Alex began walking with his sister in arm, reading the numbers ad he passed. Hearing footsteps following him.
When he reached the door he was looking for, Alex took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

His eyes burned as he saw inside. His mom was sitting on the bed, she had bandages around her arms and leg, Kellin was lying between her feet his head on her chest, cradling him to her. His mom didn't notice him yet but there was another man inside the room who she was chatting with.

His eyes moved from his mother to his shirtless brother, who had bandages around his sides and a bruise above his waistline.

"Ty?." His dad asked surprised and the unknown man snapped his head towards them so did his mom, she looked tired and and a bit pale.

"What's up boss?." The man known as Ty said with a grin.
"Nice to be back.".

His father let out a short laugh shaking his head, before turning his head to his wife and son.
" can't keep out of trouble can you?.".

Sakura grinned at him, though her eyes were hard as ice.
"Didn't I tell Shisui that my middle name was trouble." And as if on cue, said man appeared in the room.

"Yes, well kitten that was when you were nineteen, you're a mother now." He said, shaking his head.

"So, that doesn't stop because I'm older now."

While they bickered, Alex sat on the bed next to his mom with mila on his lap. His brother was so pale, although he was sleeping he looked like a sheet of paper. He could see a red spots staining the bandages both his mom and Kellin had.

"Mom?." He asked reaching out a hand to touch his brothers forehead.

"He's fine love, loss a good bit of blood but he'll be fine." She said running her fingers through Kellin's pink hair.
"Itachi.?.' She called when all the kids crowed the bed, all staring at Kellin as he slept.


"It seems that we need to pay mister Nishigori a visit." His back straighten at that and Shisui looked murderous.

"Can I kill him this time?.' He stressed. Eyes flashing. Itachi gave him a thoughtful look as if he was considering that notion.

"If he continues to be a pain in the arse, I say end him." Ty said from his chair where he was flipping through a magazine.

"I agree with him." Sasori said flatly jabbing his thumb towards said guy.
"Once less idiot to deal with," he added walking over to Sakura and pressing a kiss to her forehead and passing a hand along Kellin's bandaged side.

"I swear, you will make me grow old before my time." He said, causing her to grin.

"That makes two of us." Sai's voice said from the doorway. Sakura pouted as her brothers teased her.

"Is it normal to be plotting murder in a hospital room?." Ryou asked amused.

"Kid, we have be plotting murder ever since Itachi made a move on your aunt." Shisui said earning a jab to his side. Ryou snickered as Shisui grunted rubbing the sore area.

"Shisui, you will never change will you?." Tenten asked amused as she walked into the room, Krist and Ryou beaming.

The others soon followed after.
"So, my old my is up to no good again huh?." Tsurumi asked petting a still sleeping Kellin's hair.

"I think that's he always up to no good" Sakura replied.
Tsurumi shook her head with a laugh.

"I think he wants payback for busting his jaw that time."

All the kids were staring at Sakura in awe, Temari snickered as she had Suzuki on her lap.
"That's not surprising coming from Sakura."

"Shut up Tem," said girl mumbled.
"He was asking for it."

"Was that the time Rumi and I was in the parking lot?." Hana asked and her sister nodded.
"Then yes, he deserves it."

"So can we end him or not." Shisui whined, making Konan give him a look.

"We can?.' Kiba asked, where he was sitting next to Krist.
" it would be fun."

Sakura rolled her eyes, and continued to pet Kellin's hair, whatever... Tsurumi's father was going to get what was coming to him soon enough.

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