Chapter twelve

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"Do you feel any pain?." Sakura asked, pressing her fingers gently against Nanami's abdomen.
"Any at all?."

Said girl hissed as a reply, Sakura nodded as she pulled away.
"Congrats Nami, you're expecting." She said with a bright smile on her face.
Nanami covered her mouth with a hand and smiled,  tears running down her cheeks. Finally, she and Naruto were gonna have a kid.

"I'm so happy." She gasped.
"Naruto is going to freak." She added with a smirk. Sakura just shook her head, standing up to pack away her stuff, she managed a restaurant with the girls and worked as a doctor with Konan and Ino.

"Make sure you get a video of his awesome reaction." She grinned, helping the girl off the table. Together the two made their way towards Sakura's car. A sliver Camaro.

Nanami giggled at the mischievous tone of Sakura's voice.
"I'll make sure to get it for you Sakura-Chan."

After dropping Nanami home, Sakura made her own way home. She yawned widely entering the house.
"Tadaima." She called out placing her bags On the table besides the door, when she didn't receive a answer Sakura frowned. Careful  as she walked to the living room, cause she couldn't afford any accidents while being pregnant, afterwards? Eh she will see.

The sight that greeted her was heartwarming and she felt her heart melt into a puddle of red colored goo. It made her wanna cry honestly.
The kids had built a blanket fort, with different colored blankets all around, a heap of pillows at the middle, Itachi was sprawled on his back, arms stretched out with his four children cuddling up to him, all of them sound asleep. 

Sakura smiled, taking of the lights in the living room and turned to head up the stairs. Once she had done finished taking a shower and munching on a ice cream sandwich she settled down to sleep, she left the kids and their father downstairs so she had the whole bed to herself, that was find by her anyways.

Next morning, she was baking between heated limbs. Sakura huffed sitting up amongst the many bodies on her bed. Shaking her head she should have expected them to migrate to where she was. Looking over her kids she suddenly stopped short when she spotted Kellin's face and her hands raised up slowly, eyes narrowing. Was that a black eye on her son's face? On closer inspection revealed that yes, yes it was.

She reached over and pressed her finger under his eye where it was still swollen a bit and sent a healing pulse of chakra to speed up the process.
Kellin groaned, turning his face into her palm and sighing. He must have been in pain.

Sakura sighed, sliding out the bed she might as well get started on breakfast, then she'll ask what happened to her son's eye. She hummed as she moved around the kitchen, making a simple meal of pancakes and teriyaki chicken rice burgers, she added Yakisoba also cause her kids ate a lot, she swears its like they take after their uncles with their appetite.

"Morning my Queen." Came the smooth voice besides her ear before a chaste kiss was pressed to her lips.

She smiled, rubbing her cheek against his.
"Nearly done Itachi, wash your hands." He did as told and sat down as the kids all gathered round. Before Kellin could sit though, Sakura stopped him with a small hand on his bicep.

"Sweetheart, where did you get that black eye?." He smiled sheepishly at her question and rubbed his index finger against his cheek in a nervous gesture.

"Uhhh.... A fight?." He asked more than answered

"He kicked their butts mom!." Seira said, perking up.
"You should have seen him."

"He did more damage on them, they didn't stand a chance." Alex added.

Sakura looked at half her kids, the youngest looking confused and Itachi merely continuing to eat his breakfast.
"Sit down love, we'll explain." He spoke.

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