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Fucking hell, man. I finally made sure Jisoo was relaxed, then that bitch showed up out of nowhere.

"Happy birthday, bro!" Seulgi gave me a hug like we hadn't seen each other for ten years.

"Yeah, thanks." How was I supposed to get rid of them now?

"Jichu, you look adorable." Irene's lips, which looked stung by bees, pulled into a condescending smirk, making my spine tense up.

I wrapped a protective arm over Jisoo's waist, pulling her close to me. "I wouldn't say adorable. I'd say she's the most beautiful girl here tonight." I smiled at Irene. "No offense."

"Oh ho ho." Seulgi bumped elbows with her, then coughed into her hand when she glared.

"Okay, have fun." I turned Jisoo toward the fireplace where Jennie, Rosé, Minnie and Momo were seated.

"That was wonderful," Jisoo mumbled sarcastically, her shoulders squeezed to her neck.

"I know right? I'm so glad they're here, I might cry."

It's not that Jisoo needed me to hold her hand, but she was my guest. And she was too nice of a person to stand up against Irene. Shit like that turned me into an animal. I couldn't control it.

I pulled her on my lap and sat on the patio chair, and gave her the hookah hose to smoke. She squirmed on my thigh and adjusted her skirt, and I remembered just then that I had her panties in my pocket.

I flashed a mischievous grin. "You okay?"

"How would you feel if I took your boxers, you asshole," she grumbled, her cheeks roasted so red, I couldn't help but laugh.

"You want them back? Here..." I pretended to take her panties out of my pocket and she sucked in a terrified breath, flying her hands to my wrist to stop me.

"Jennie! You look...weird, as always." Irene
sat down across from us, crossing her legs
deliberately to flash as much skin as possible.

"Isn't she the coolest? It's so badass." Rosé was all sparkly eyes, so not-on-board with what Irene intended.

"Right..." Irene rolled her eyes toward Jisoo and me, taking in our seated position. "Well, aren't you two looking cozy together. I've seen your pictures online, I have to say..." She tilted her head with concerned eyebrows. "I was kind of hurt you so shamelessly started to copy me, Jichu."

"What? I didn't copy you." Jisoo's earlier giddiness deflated again and I suppressed a groan.

"Are you sure?" Irene looked at Jisoo's red outfit again, then smirked at her own clearly more overpriced red cocktail dress. "I don't know, seems like copying to me."

"Seulgi!" I yelled toward the bar where she was talking to my parents. "Come get your fiancé before I kick her out. She's getting on my last fucking nerves."

Everyone gasped, the guests on the dining table included. I took the hose from Jisoo and smoked, tilting my head back toward the sky. Hm, Minnie packed a peachy mint flavor?

"This is nice, bro." I told Minnie.

"Lisa." My dad came over with his usual disappointed all over his face.

"Don't start, dad."

"Don't start are you on drugs?"

"I wish." I rolled my eyes. "Why? Do you have some?"

"Um..." Jisoo got off my lap, smoothing her skirt down. "Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom."

"Want me to come with you?" Jennie started to get up, but Jisoo shook her head no with a small smile.

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