Chapter 2: Lou Lets All Hell Loose

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Lloyd POV

"D-d-dad?" Cole stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

We exchanged glances behind him, unsure what to do. 

Lou rolled his eyes. "What do you mean, what am I doing here? I'm here to visit my son, of course!" He smiled at us, and we stared back, not believing him in the slightest. 


"Come on son, take me on a tour. I'd like to see the monastery. You know, the usual courtesy you use when greeting a guest."

"You want me to take you on a TOUR??" Cole repeated. "Around the monastery???"

"Didn't I make that obvious? It's the least you could do, especially after all those stairs. Have you guys ever heard of an elevator? Maybe you should get that installed in here."

That struck a nerve. Cole let out a growl,  throwing up his hands in frustration. "Why are you here??? What did I do to deserve this??? Why am I being tortured???"

"Calm down Cole," Nya said, placing her hand on his shoulder and reaching to pick up the books Kai had knocked over. "Let's go to Master Wu about this. We can talk peacefully."

Slowly, Cole relented. Not after shooting a glare at his father, of course. 

As we walked down the hallway, I heard the ninja whispering about what had just happened. I, however, stayed quiet. 

Why was Lou here? He'd know better than to, especially because of his rocky relationship with his son. (A/N: No pun intended)

After Cole had unlocked his true potential and saved his father, they had been more accepting of each other and it had seemed like things had finally been solved between them. 

That is, until Lou tried to convince Cole to join his dance studio. 


"Dad!" Cole protested. "I don't want to join a dance studio! I'm a ninja, remember? I don't dance. I fight bad guys!" 

"Dancing can come in many uses," Lou responded. "Who knows, maybe you can use dance skills to save Ninjago one day!" 

That's when Cole lost it. His face turned redder than Kai's gi. 

"Is that all you care about?!? Dancing??? You know that we're NINJA, right?? We're focused on saving lives, not wasting time in a dance class for babies!" And with that, he stormed off. 

*end of flasback*

I pushed open the door to Master Wu's room. He looked up from his meditation, and his eyes met Lou's. I startled, noticing something strange. There was no surprise radiating from Master Wu. It was almost as if he'd known Cole's dad had been coming...

"Hello Lou," said Master Wu, interrupting my thoughts. He stood up and shook Lou's hand. "Welcome to the monastery. Has Cole given you a tour yet?"

Lou opened his mouth to respond but I cut him off. Knowing Cole, he'd explode if his dad said another word. 

"Master, why is Cole's father here? We were expecting the former Elemental Master of Water." 

"Nya and Kai's mother?" We all nodded. Master Wu studied Lou and said, "I let her know we didn't need her help anymore, and she understood. All is well."

"As for Cole's dad... well, he's here to teach us how to dance."


You can just imagine how chaotic it was after, lol. 
Let me know in the comment section what you thought!
See you in the next chapter! :D

I Got The Moves Like Ninjaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें