Chapter 3: How To Open the Correct Door

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Hello everyone! Welcome to chapter 3! :D

Lloyd POV

"Dance," said Cole in disbelief.

Lou nodded. "Yes, dance. In fact, you'll be taught by me! How awesome is that?"

Cole looked at us, then back at his father, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. He swelled with fury, shouting, "Is this some kind of joke??? You want us to learn how to DANCE???"

Master Wu sighed. "Listen up, ninja. I am going to explain some things and you need to pay attention. Is that clear?" He waited for us to nod before taking a deep breath.

"As we all know, fighting the thieves was not easy. Simply, you ninja have gone... how to say it? Rusty."

Immediately we started to protest.

"We're not rusty we just-"

"I can still do a backflip-"

"We are perfectly capable of-"

"I just made food earlier-"

"I can kick butt just fine-"

"I was the one who helped defeat the thieves-"

"Silence!" Master Wu shouted. "If you are so sure about that, then you should be able to complete this challenge easily."

He motioned Cole's father forward, who began to speak. "You guys think you're tough? Well then what about this? All of you will compete with each other to see who is the strongest. The winner will then go against one of my students."

"If you can beat them, you have proven yourself capable of protecting Ninjago," Master Wu explained.

Kai scoffed. "How is this a challenge? We're ninja. We can do things they can't. What dancer could beat us?"

"Oh, don't underestimate my students," Lou warned. "I will be picking the best of the best, and they know more than dance. They will be trained in martial arts as well. They are stealthy and quiet, able to sneak up on anyone. Be careful.. they are a force to be recko-"

Cole interrupted him, not seeming to worry at all. "Martial arts? Stealthy? Quiet? That's us, baby. We're going to win this thing with our eyes blindfolded and our hands tied behind our back," said Cole, cracking his knuckles. He turned to look at Zane, Nya, and I, who had stayed quiet the entire time. "What do you guys think?"

I ignored him. Instead, I turned to Master Wu, who had gone back to meditating.

"Master, what happens if we were to lose the match?"

Zane nodded. "I sense there is some sort of consequence you are holding back."

Lou chuckled, making us turn towards him. "It's not a "consequence", Zane. I would call it more of a... lesson."

Nya raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" 

"If you lose, you will learn dance in Lou's dance studio, simple as that. Ah ah ah," said Master Wu, holding up a hand and stopping Cole from speaking. "It will be beneficial to you. You will be able to learn how to be better ninja, and who knows... maybe you can even learn some new things while at it."


"If you are confident in your abilities, then why are you protesting? You already said it yourself. You'll win, and not have to do dance." He smiled before ushering us out. "I have need for my meditation," he called after us. "Lou will help you with the rest." 

"Wait!" Nya shouted, running forward, just to get the door slammed in her face. She groaned and turned back to us. "Now what?"

"Now you follow my instructions," Lou answered. "This way."

He turned around, walking confidently to a closed door. "Ninja, I present to you... the fighting arena!"

The door slowly creaked open... revealing...

A broom closet. 

Lou chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry, it's this way." He strode over to another closed door, wrenching it open. 

It was another broom closet. 

Cole's dad gulped. "Um... lead the way to the practice area, please." 

Kai rolled his eyes, letting out a small laugh. "This way."

As we walked down the hall, I couldn't help but wonder... could we beat a dancer? The way Lou had described them made me slightly nervous. 

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. What are you thinking, Lloyd? Of course you'll win! You're a ninja, for the FSM's*** sake! You got this in the bag.




FSM- First Spinjitzu Master

Ooh, it's getting good! I can't wait for you guys to read what happens next! Stay tuned for the next chapter :D

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