Chapter 4: We Forgot How To Do Backflips

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Alternative title: Jay Messes Up

After this chapter they're finally going to start fighting... ahhh!! So excited to show you guys! 

Lloyd POV

"Okay everyone," said Lou as we entered the practice area. "Who's ready to fight?" 

"Heh, I am. Whoever goes against me should prepare to get burned into flames!" Kai shouted, lighting his fists on fire. He did a backflip and tried to land in a karate pose. Only he tripped over his own feet and ended up landing face-first on the ground. 

"I'm okay!" came Kai's muffled voice. I facepalmed and groaned internally. How had Kai butchered the move that badly? 

Jay clearly was thinking the same thing. "That's not how you do it Kai. Like this!" 

He ran backwards and got into backflip position. That's when I noticed that there was a rack of weapons behind him. I shouted, "Watch out Jay!" but it was too late. He backflipped and I closed my eyes, expecting the worst. 

When nothing happened, I opened them and realized that he had somehow landed on top of the rack, which thankfully hadn't collapsed under his weight. 

Or so I thought. 

Jay was trying to climb off when suddenly there was a loud groaning noise. He immediately stopped moving. "I-is it coming from under me?" he whimpered. 

I was too shocked to respond. The others stared at Jay with equal concern and nervousness. Why was I just standing there? Why was I not thinking of a way to help him?

"D-don't move, Jay," I whispered. He let out a breath and nodded. Suddenly, his foot got caught in the metal rungs of the ladder, and he panicked, struggling to get it out.  

The rack shook, once, twice, before letting out a huge creaking noise. Jay let out a scream as it collapsed, sending a huge plume of dust flying everywhere. 

"Jay!" Nya yelled, coughing from the dust. 

I ran over to the debris, trying to see if Jay was all right. 

"I'm over here!" a voice came from near the door. 

Jay! I quickly rushed over to see him on his back, groaning. 

"You good?" I asked, helping him up. checking him for injuries. 

He nodded. "I managed to get my foot out and jumped off before it fell. I slipped on the floor but luckily, I didn't get hurt." 

I let out a sigh of relief. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the ninja running towards us, looking worried. 

"Jay!" Nya shouted, hugging him. "You're alright!" 

"Don't sound so surprised," he grumbled. Nevertheless, he hugged her back. 

Behind us, we heard a tiny cough. Lou was waiting behind us, looking annoyed. 

"We're here to compete, not to knock over racks!" he said. "Please clean up the mess and then we'll do the fights." 

We exchanged looks. Cole rolled his eyes but turned to his dad and said (through gritted teeth), "Fine, we'll do it." 

I let out a sigh and began giving out instructions. 

"Zane, use your vacuum feature to try and vacuum as much dust as you can." 

"Cole, put the rack back where it fell. Make sure to organize the weapons while you're at it." 

"Nya, help clean the floor with your water. It's filthier than Jay's underwear." (Jay let out a small huff of indignance at this.)

"Kai... uh, maybe work on your backflips. That was horrible." Kai gave me a look of annoyance before setting off to practice. 

"Jay, grab the broom and dust pan from the broom closet... no the broom closet in the hallway... no the other broom closet in the hallway..."

Sorry guys this is kind of a filler chapter BUT backflips are really important to the book later on. You'll see :)

I hope you guys enjoyed! Please vote and comment! I'm lonely because I'm writing stories for no one :(

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