Chapter six

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Nina's POV

I couldn't believe Sid did that, I looked at him and shook my head while smiling, he was a genius but not too bright of a genius.

"Mommy, are we almost home?" Kassie asked as she yawned in the back seat, I took a little look back at her, she was really tired, "Almost." I said looking back at the rode, it wasn't long now.

"There's Corey and the guys." Chris said pointing at the tiny group of guys that were smoking a little and talking, not much people were there I knew that Joey was inside and if course, Mick and Shawn.

"I'm going to bring Kassie inside." I said getting out and grabbing Kassie, she opened her eyes and I looked at her, "Hold your nose honey." I told her and she did she while laying her head on my shoulder.

I walked into the tour bus while holding Kassie, the three guys were watching tv and I knew Griffen was probably getting ready for bed, I took Kassie to the bunks and got her ready for bed.

"Get ready, I will be right back." I told her and walked to the bathroom, I knocked on the door I already knew Griffen was in there, "Are you getting ready, Griff?" I asked

 "Almost done auntie Nina." He said and I walked back to the bed where Kassie was sitting on, "When will I be able to walk?" Kassie looking at her foot.

"Not for awhile." I told her and she frowned, "It's going to be alright, it's not like its going to be like this forever." I told her and she smiled a bit but then looked down.

Griffen came out of the bathroom and climbed up the latter and then sat in his bunk, "Story time now?" I asked them as Sid emerged through the curtains, he smiled.

"Sid, mommy was about to read us a story." Kassie said and Sid looked at her smiling, "Well, why don't I sit down and listen." He said and sat down on the lower that Griffen was sitting over, Sid laid back onto the pillow and grinned at me, "Well, tell us the story.. Story teller." He said and I rolled my eyes but smiled then sat down on my bunk.

"Once upon a time.." I started and I heard Sid yawn I crossed my arms and looked at him, "Boring, how about a cool bed time story?" He asked and the kids faces lighted up.

"Alright, once upon a time there lived an ugly princess and a handsome prince." He started while he got up and flexed his muscles as if to say he was that prince, "The ugly princess totally had it out for the prince and she tried many things to get him to fall in love with her but unfortunately, she couldn't." He said making a frown, I shook my head and smile he was so full of himself.

"Finally, after three days of crying over pictures she had of the prince a beautiful fairy princess flew into her room and asked the princess what was wrong, the princess told the fairy princess about the prince and the fairy princess waved her magic wand and then the princess looked in the mirror, she was the prettiest in the land." Sid said looking at me and smiling, " the princess thanked the fairy princess and ran off to look for the prince when she found him he was speechless, it was like his heart was floating.. They started dating and eventually got married and had a beautiful daughter, the end." He said, the two kids clapped and Sid smiled.

Both Sid and I tucked them in and then walked out to the lounge, he got two beers out of the fridge and handed me one but I declined it and he sat down.

"Where did you learn how to make such great stories?" I asked him as he took a sip from the beer bottle, "Guess I just thought of it.. I mean, a wonderful and beautiful girl gave me the idea." He said smiling and I grinned, "She sounds amazing."

"She is." He said still smiling at me and then took another sip, when he was talking about this 'girl' I guess.. It made me feel a bit jealous, oh no, was I starting to like.. Sid!?

"She sounds great Sid, I'm glad you found someone good for you." I said and got up from where I was sitting, I walked to my bunk and started getting ready I remembered to close the curtain to my bunk and just sat there.. Who was she? What made this girl so special to Sid? No, I won't cry about that annoying pig, I was going to tell Joey tomorrow that I liked him and then hopefully he likes me back.

I went to bed dreaming whatever dreams my mind out in my head.

I woke up, it was almost one o'clock, I got up from my bed and tip toed to the lounge to find something to snack on, I took out a tiny bit of lunch meat and out it in my mouth, while I was eating that I noticed a crumpled up paper on the ground..

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