Chapter seven

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It was early in the morning, I was outside smoking a cigarette as usual wondering if I should quit for Nina. Hm, Nina, I wonder what made her walk away so fast last night.. I hope I didn't say something bad.

"Morning, Sid." Corey said stretching and walking outside to sit on the bench I was sitting on, "Gotta nother cigarette?" He asked and I handed him a box and my light, he lit himself one and we just sat there killing our lungs.

"I've been thinking." I said to Corey and he chuckled, "Sid Wilson thinks? Never woulda guessed." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I was thinking, anyway, I think we should quit smoking ya know, for the kids.. And Nina." I mumbled the last part so he wouldn't hear, "And who? Whatever, yeah, I think so too and it's not good for our lungs." He said putting the cigarette on the ground and stomping it, I did the same and we made our way to the tour bus, it was time to leave for a new location everything was packed and we were ready to go.

"Morning Sid." Nina said walking up, she smiled and continued to cook, Corey just looked at me, "What's got her in a good mood?" He asked and I shrugged, Griffen walked up and sat on Corey's lap.. Where was Kassie? I went into the bunks to go look for her and found her playing with her toys on her bed.

"Why aren't you in the lounge with everyone else?" I asked her and she looked at me, "Mommy said I can't walk around because it will hurt my foot." She said frowning and I frowned too I then picked her up and carried her out to the lounge then sat down with her on my lap, she hugged onto me.

"Thanks Sid." Kassie said and kissed my cheek, "Sid has cooties!" Griffen yelled out and ran to the bunks, I laughed and hugged Kassie back, out of the corner of my eye I seen Nina smiling, it looked like she was thinking.

The tour bus started to move and Chris turned on his video games, "Can I play too uncle picklenose?" Kassie asked Chris, I laughed.

"Sure kiddo, what game would you like to play?" He asked and took out some kid games, Kassie chose Mario kart for the wii and I was sure glad we had one we only kept it on here for Kassie and Griffen.

"Breakfast is ready." Nina said and called everyone up, Griffen came out from the bunks and grabbed a plate and Nina stopped me, "Can I talk to you?" She asked and I gulped and nodded, we walked to the bunks and sat on one of the beds.

"Ya know.. I was once told that if I went out with a guy he could repair my broken wing, hold my heart and keep my hand warm." She said smiling, my eyes went wide and she handed me a crumpled paper.. It was the same paper I wrote that note to Nina but threw away, I put my head in my hands but felt a hand touch my hand.

"You know what I said?" She asked and I looked at her confused, "I told him.. An angel doesn't have to have wings to fly, my heart.." She paused and moved closer and held onto my hand, ".. Has finally found a place and my hands.. They were only cold because they needed yours." She said smiling, I smiled and we slowly leaned in.. Closer.. Closer until BAM!

Griffen came running in and ran into the bathroom.. I looked at Nina and we both giggled, "It's not private here." She said and I nodded so we moved away from each other but still kept on holding hands, I smiled at her, "So what does this make us?" I asked

"Lets to on a date tonight and find out." She said and I smiled and nodded

"Pick you up at eight." I said and it made her giggle, "See you then." She said and got up to go back to the lounge, I followed with a smile on my face I was finally going on a date with Nina and this time she didn't sit by Joey this time she sat on a couch and I sat beside her, everyone just looked at us and I knew Corey was smiling, he knew.

I couldn't stop smiling the entire day, I couldn't believe I was taking her out.. wait, where was I going to taked her anyway? I didn't know, maybe I would take her to super or maybe I could take her out for ice cream and then we could walk to the beach, yeah, ice cream and the beach sound good.

That entire day I was either watching Nina or hanging out with the guys, Nina was either cooking lunch or helping Kassie get to places since she coudln't walk around but soon enough we came to our next location, it was almost seven and almost about time for mine and Nina's date, I seen Nina come out from the bunks and she smiled at me, I winked at her and she blushed and sat by me, the guys were either going out for a smoke or playing video games.

"So what's the plan?" Nina whispered into my ear and I smiled, we needed a plan to make sure the guys didn't see us at least not find out that we were going out on a date and hell, maybe even becoming a couple.

"We are telling the guys that your car broke down and so I'm taking you to the grocery store to pick up food supplies." I whispered and she smiled, "Sounds good to me." She said getting up and talking to Corey.

"I can take you." Corey told her after she finished telling him about the 'supplies', "It's alright, Corey, Sid offered to take me." She said and I seen Corey smile and wink at me.

"I see." He said and waved us off, I got up and grabbed my keys then both Nina and I walked out of the tour bus and and walked to my car and when we got into the car I opened the door for her.

"Thanks." She said getting into the car and sitting on the seat, I closed the door just as she was putting on her seat belt and walked to the drivers and got into the car.

"Ready?" I asked her and she put some hair behind her ear and nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready." She said and I started the car, we sped off to go on our date.

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