Chapter fifteen

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I got up early, Sid was just getting up too, I stood up and looked into the mirror, the bump was just a tad bit bigger it was just visible to know I was pregnant, I seen Sid taking out bags and taking them down stairs, I grabbed my bag and walked out behind him.

"Let me take that." Sid said taking it from me, for not showing that much it sure did strain my back, I seen Kassie dragging her bag out and down the stairs, I followed them down and seen Sid putting bags in the trunk, I looked at Maryjane who was laying down she looked a bit sad.

"Awe, it's ok Maryjane." I said petting her and she rolled onto her stomach, I bet her stomach, "Sid, do we need anyone to look after Maryjane?" I asked when he came in and both him and Kassie walked over to me.

"Your right.. Can Hannah look after her?" He asked and I shrugged, "Probably, I can ask. " I said and took my phone out to call her.

I talked to Hannah and she said that she could, I hung up and pet Maryjane and then walked out remembering to lock the door and left a key in a flower pot then walked to the car.

"She can look after Maryjane?" Sid asked and I nodded

"Yeah, so should we start going?" I asked Kassie and she nodded, Sid pulled out of the driveway and drove off, I hated leaving Mary Jane at the house by herself and I knew she hated it but Hannah would take care of her for us.

Time for another long ride, I got cozy and fell asleep.

I woke up later and looked around, we weren't in Iowa anymore, I think we were somewhere but who knows, I looked in the back seat, Kassie was back there sleeping, I looked at Sid and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?" He asked smiling and I smiled back yawning

"Felt like it." I said and he giggled, I also giggled and looked outside, I seen cows and horses in the fields later we came to some carnival, it wasn't too dark out but it was sunset, Sid started driving slowly and drove to the parking lot where I seen multiple tour buses, we got out and walked to the Slipknot tour bus, the guys were outside.

"Their here!" Corey shouted to the tour bus while he cook burgers on the BBQ and the guys came out, Chris hugged me and Kassie.

"How was time off?" Corey asked when I walked over, "It was alright, kinda lazy." I told him and he flipped a patty.

"Yeah, so how was privacy at his house?" He asked and laughed right after, I laughed too, "Privacy was actually pretty good." I told him and Corey pointed a finger at me.

"Don't tell your brother, he will flip." Corey told me and I laughed, I could see Corey stare down at my stomach and then looked back at me.

"You getting fat?" He whispered and I hid my stomach with my arms, "Ugh.. Yeah, Sid can sure make great meals." I told Corey, phew! Saved myself.

"He makes a good omelet." Corey said and I thought about omelettes, my I was starting to get ready hungry thank god hamburgers were ready, when they were all put on a plate I ran over and put at least three on my plate and walked away to eat them.

"Whoa, Nina, did you eat today?" Mick asked and I seem the guys looking at me, "The ride was long." I told them, Sid knew it was because of the pregnancy.

After supper we all cleaned up and I sat down on the couch, I was full after the three burgers I had I had another burger so it all made me pretty full, Corey walked over and sat down beside me.

"Ok, what's going on?" He asked looking serious, I knew I couldn't hide it anymore.. I had to tell one of the guys apart from Sid, "Alright, I will tell you but come over here." I told him and we walked into a more private place, we walked to his bunk.

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