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You may have heard this one before: all life is at the gratitude of the sun. That much is obvious. It grows, it nutures and cares, and most of all, it guides. No one thinks about this conciously, not when they accomplish their greatest feats, pursue goals and relationships, or smile at the face of a loved one. But the sun loves nonetheless, because it only shines for the vitality of the children.

But, not every child is loved.

In an unscrupulous darkness, hide the cold dead corpses, having never once felt the warmth that they so desire, and forever pursuing an unattainable dream. At least, something that was once unattainable. In dark metal domes and towers made from malice and hunger, hides a mind with burning hatred towards this sun, to want nothing more than to snuff out the symbol of hope upon the city of Neighborville. He laughs, for he knows that this is true.

As he peers through the telescope, he finds himself unable to contain his smile, scribbling what looks like nonsense into stained papers that fly from his notepad, littering the floor. The walls, are covered in similar notes, with a lack of thumbtacks forcing piles of paper to build up by the windows, nearly obscuring the view of the new moon.

Yes, yes, patience is key. In all due time, the once proud and confident smirks of the city's heroes will turn to horror and defeat. In the meantime, preparations will be made, for the coming of the undead.

Not to say that he's the only one who's made preparations. For where darkness resides, a spirit far more scorching than the sun awaits. The prodigy of light bides her time, ready to send the world in upheavel, even at the expense of her own life.

"Just five more months..."


Author's Note: This came out far more poetic than I had intended, but I did mention once before that this was to improve my creative writing. But, I'd like to thank you for reading up to this point, and I hope you'll continue to take interest and read the rest of it. I don't really like doing author's notes so I'll opt for updates on my profile instead, and I'll try to stay consistent and upload chapters every 1-2 weeks. Thank you again for reading.

The L.E.A.F. Chronicles: Eclipse of the GraveWhere stories live. Discover now