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I follow Moby past the remains of the revelry, my attention caught by the massive tattoo that dominates his entire back, of an ornate Celtic Cross.  He continues to lead me around the stage, to a bus much further down the field with dark grey interior, very masculine. He heads into the bathroom to clean up, and emerges a few minutes later wearing a cozy grey bathrobe that matches our surroundings. I use the toilet after him, relieved to find washcloths available. I could probably benefit from another shower to be honest, but I've already had two since I got here. The bidet will have to suffice for now.

I step out of the bathroom, retying my white robe in front, and Moby hands me a glass of cold milk. I sip at it politely, eyeing his vivid green cocktail with interest. The distinctive aroma of licorice wafts over to me, and I look curiously at the bar, to see a telltale green fairy. Absinthe... I've never actually seen anyone drink this before, except in movies. Moby leans back against a couch opposite me, crosses an ankle over a knee, and just... stares.

The silence gets a bit awkward, so I clear my throat and look away. I close my eyes and focus inward, breathing deeply, then exhale, pushing my energetic field outward. This is an exercise I have been practicing with Jen, expanding and contracting my aura. I want to get a sense of what energy Moby brings to this conversation. I feel.... skepticism, how interesting.

A curious hum sounds in my ear, and it's familiar to me now, I've heard it's voice many times. I hum back a little two-note reply of reassurance, and it goes quiet. The feeling of skepticism emanating from Moby strengthens. The clink of his glass on the table startles me out of my meditative trance, and I look up.

"I'm curious, what are your long-term plans?" Moby asks, resting his cheek against his fingers.

"Well... I'm going to have a baby. That about covers the next 18 years" I joke nervously, shifting my weight on the bar stool.

"Very funny" he responds drolly.

I smile awkwardly, and look down into my milk glass. I'm not in the mood for milk. I put it down on the bar, and then turn to face him squarely.

"I don't understand... you came out here to ask me about my long-term plans?" I ask, incredulity seeping into my voice.

He raises his eyebrows at me, but says nothing in reply, taking a small sip of his absinthe instead. There is another awkward silence.

"You said Tex summoned you" I break the silence to point out.

He stares at me over the rim of his glass with a deadpan expression.

"Look, if you're not gonna say anything, I'd like to get back to the orgy" I sigh, a tinge of regret in my voice. "I've only fucked like 3 people today".

A small smile of surprise breaks out on Moby's face, and he briefly closes his eyes and shakes his head.

"Okay" he responds, setting his glass down again. "Come here" he pats his leg.

I abandon my glass of milk, and come over to the couch to sit next to him, but he holds up a hand to prevent me.

"Not there... here" he says emphatically, slapping his leg harder.

"On your lap?" I ask in alarm, looking over my shoulder to try and size up my butt up against his leg. He's thin as a rail, will this even work?

"Let me reposition" he requests, turning himself sideways to lay along the couch.

He pulls me backwards to lay on his chest. We both fidget to get comfortable for a moment, until we settle, and then I am left to stare awkwardly at the ceiling.

"Am I crushing you?" I ask.

"No, you're fine" he reassures me.

His hand lightly brushes against my neck, and I feel a hopeful thrill of lust. His long fingers wrap around my neck, but exert no pressure, just resting.

Nordlys: The Northern Lights Orgy ClubWhere stories live. Discover now