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Violet picks up her bracelet from the dusty ground, and replaces it on her wrist, fingering the colorful beads contemplatively, before touching the bone charm that dangles from it.

"Thank you" she whispers.

She looks up, towards the small adobe house off in the distance, seeing the girls gathered there already. They are much faster at Shifting than she is, as they've been in advanced training for the past year.

She moves an arm to cover her ample breasts, and her other hand to cover the front of her privates, and awkwardly walks over to join them beneath an awning of faded red fabric, adjacent to the house. They do not share her discomfort, seemingly at ease with their natural human bodies, and with each other. One of them gives her a glance that holds a mixture of pity and understanding, before considerately looking away from Violet's nakedness.

The extreme bright heat of the sun is relieved significantly by the shade of the awning, and Violet sighs, looking up at the fabric with gratitude. She has only been naked in the desert sun for maybe twenty minutes, and already feels a sunburn forming. A sandy crunch of gravel under foot attracts the attention of the group. At the door of the small house a woman emerges.

She is not yet old, but cannot be counted as young. The grey streaks in her jet black braids are few, laugh lines are engraved around her eyes and mouth, but the chestnut skin of her face is still firm. She has a woven blanket wrapped around her shoulders, patterned with the distinctive diamonds associated with Navajo weavers, and it is evident that she wears nothing underneath it.

She proffers a similar blanket to Violet, who accepts it gratefully, swirling it about her own shoulders, clutching it close to her breasts. The girls make way for the older woman, showing respect, and arrange themselves in a loose circle oriented around her position.

The woman beckons to Violet, seating her right beside her. The girls grab blankets of their own, and fold them into squares to sit on them, cross-legged. A canteen of water is passed around the circle, each one taking a sip of the water, and handing it to the next, until it comes back to the beginning. Violet studies the girls as the canteen gets passed to them, her eyes sliding over the scars of track marks on their arms, to focus on their faces, each one beautiful and unique in her own way.

Halona, the Matriarch. Mother of the Alpha. Founder of the Tribe. She says that Coyote Himself taught her the Way of the Skinwalker. That He came to her in the Great Desert when she was a young girl, and told her of the Rainbow Prophecy. She wears a leather necklace that is strung with small bone beads.

To her left is Bitty. The shortest of the girls, the Runt of the Wolfpack. Her face is round, with plump cheeks, a broad, flat nose and wide-set eyes. Her hair is a lighter shade of brown than the others, tied up in a messy bun. Around her neck dangles a wolf tooth, attached to braided leather.

Beside her is Flow Joe. Tall, thin, and lanky. She could have played basketball professionally, but she got caught siphoning gas while off of the Reservation, and ended up in Juvie. The bridge of her nose looks like it has once been broken, and reset carelessly. Her dark brown hair is worn in long braids that dangle down her chest. Between them is a necklace of wolf claws.

Next is Kpop. Total Weeb. Her brownish black hair is faded green at the tips, and is cut to shoulder length. It looks quite choppy, like she had done it herself with a knife. She has a tattoo of a black heart under her left eye, and another tattoo on her calf of a pretty man's face, with the name Felix in cursive underneath it. Her necklace is short enough to almost be considered a choker, and holds a single wolf tooth, similar to Bitty's.

On her other side is Redrum. High cheekbones, sharp nasal ridge, close-set eyes, with two black teardrop tattoos under her left eye, and a scar that slashes through her right eyebrow. Her long brown hair hangs loose and wild, matted in places. She is the quiet one of the group, and her expression is a perpetual scowl. She also has a necklace of wolf claws, but hers is short enough to almost be a choker.

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