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Moby splashes water on his face in the men's room, and then reaches for a hand towel from the neatly folded stack on the marble counter. The soft, fluffy white cotton soothes his tired face, a subtle scent of eucalyptus oil refreshing to his sinuses. He regards his reflection in the large gilded mirror as he pats his neck behind his ears with the towel.

He puts a drop of water on a fingertip to smooth the hair around his ears, and both of his eyebrows, and uses his palm to smooth the hair on top and back of his head. Then he straightens his tie, fixes the gig line of his suit pants to align with his button down shirt and belt buckle, readjusts the hang of his suit coat. These are all little things that seem inconsequential, but that the Boss would undoubtedly notice.

He tosses the used towel into a hamper on his way out the door, checking his second phone yet again for updates on the status of the search party. There doesn't seem to be any more information available at this time, and he feels woefully unprepared for the meeting he has set in five minutes.

He strides briskly to the far end of the 43rd floor, to report in with his boss' Executive Assistant. You can't keep a man like John Mathis Stahri waiting.

"The Chairman will see you now, you can go right in" the Executive Assistant tells him as he approaches, and Moby gets a leaden feeling in his gut.

Moby raps his knuckles sharply against the wooden door to the Chairman's office before opening the door, and poking his head inside.

"Richard! Come in" the Chairman orders. "What do you got for me?" He asks as Moby takes a seat in the leather chair in front of the large desk.

"Sir, before we get into business" Moby gestures to a folder he had picked up outside the bathroom, "I'm afraid I have some troubling news... about your son."

"Which one?" The Chairman asks.

"Broderick" Moby answers.

The Chairman's shoulders sag, and he breathes out a sigh. "What did he do?"

"Umm, he appears to be missing" Moby replies.

The Chairman raises his eyebrows.

"His Texas crew called in to ask me to track his phone. They found his lease abandoned in Kentucky, but his last phone location was in southern Ohio. They haven't reported him missing yet, although he was last seen more than 48 hours ago. Would you like me to notify police?" Moby explains.

The Chairman stares at Moby for a long moment, his facial expression unmoving and unreadable. Then suddenly, his face reanimates in jarring contrast, his expression pleasant.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it" the Chairman says, waving away Moby's concerns. "He's probably on some Native bullshit. You got those files for me?"

Moby forces himself to smile, to match the Chairman's pleasant energy. They discuss work projects for the company for close to an hour before the Chairman dismisses him. Moby gets up to leave, and the Chairman's voice makes him pause.

"You know, Dick...I used to think it was a mistake to let him go to his mom for the summer. He would come back talking about the "rights" of Indigenous Peoples, the Environment, the Pipeline, fuckin... Harambe, I don't know. One summer in Europe seemed to fix all that. Then he met you at College, got in with the Skulls, and took his place up here, where he belongs" the Chairman pours himself a fifth of scotch while he talks. "I thought, 'hey, maybe his ties to the Injuns will help him later on', and they seemed to, with this project in Texas. Those assholes won't work with anyone else. Probably has his mom to thank for that. That's why I never bothered to sue for custody, because I would have won."

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