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"Finally! Going home" Moby stretches out in the back seat of the car, and yawns.

Stahri doesn't reply, his concerned gaze going to the window as the car pulls away from the curb.

"I'm dreading all the work piled up, but it'll be a relief to be stateside again. Can't get a decent burger here" Moby comments.

Stahri smiles, pulls out his phone to check his messages. His email app's display counter is in the thousands, so he won't touch that. His DM's are full of Stig.

'Wyd... wya... hmu when u c this... feeling lonely... when can I c u?.... R u still here?... I need some TexASS'

Stahri rolls his eyes and huffs out a breath of frustration, attracting attention from Moby, who gives him a meaningful look as if to say 'what now?' Stahri flashes his phone screen in explanation.

"Maybe we should take care of that before we leave" Moby suggests.

Stahri frowns, contemplating the situation. "I don't think he will do anything" Stahri rationalizes.

Moby gives him the side-eye, pursing his lips.

"You think he will?" Stahri asks.

"Are you gonna leave him on read?" Moby queries.

"Good point. Don't want trigger his suspicion" Stahri agrees.

He texts a reply to Stig:
can't talk
Work is busy
Chat later'

"That should hold him off" Stahri theorizes, but a persistent nagging feeling in the back of his mind just won't go away.

They arrive at the airport, and Moby gets out of the car, but Stahri feels rooted to his seat, unable to move.

"Are you coming?" Moby questions.

Stahri takes a deep breath, lets it out. "You go on ahead" he orders Moby. "There's something I NEED to do."


Tex and Moby have left, and the apartment is eerily quiet. It's the first time I've been alone since I found those hikers, and this place is just so different than what I'm used to. It's like a hotel or something, everything clean and neat and pristine.

I am curious to acquaint myself with the place where I will be living for the next year (apparently?), but more importantly, I NEED to find my passport. I've searched through everything. There is no hint of my purse, my wallet, my phone, or my keys. I find some papers, but my visa documentation is completely missing from them. Did Lars keep those on purpose?

That would be crazy though, right? I mean... maybe not as crazy as driving someone to the middle of nowhere and dumping them, but definitely on the spectrum.

I can't stand the way I smell. The hospital air has an odor to it, I'm not sure what it is, but I don't like it. Their linens and their soap have that same smell so it just gets in your skin and your hair. I need a wash.

The tub in the master bathroom is massive! I could feasibly swim in this. The hot water feels amazing, and I can feel my muscles and joints relaxing. Even the muscles of my face had been tense. I hadn't realized just how stressed I was until it finally began to ease off.

I lay back and float, staring up at the ceiling, and my thoughts wander. It's too bad about Lars. I had really liked him. I thought a relationship with him would be fun and adventurous.

I loved his accent. I loved his height, which attracts attention wherever he goes. I loved his big hands that made me feel tiny. I loved that he knew so much about cars. I loved when he promised he was going to 'take care' of me, it made me feel special and valued. I loved the way he looked at me when we were alone together. I loved the grandiose gestures he made when we first began dating, like sending me flowers for no reason, or surprising me with dinner reservations at posh restaurants. All of these things made me feel good about myself, which made me open up to him and feel like it was safe to love him.

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