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"So! Where we going?" You asked cheerfully

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"So! Where we going?" You asked cheerfully.

"I don't know." He replied. 

You stood there, in silence.

"Huh?" You spoke with a blank face.

"I didn't plan anything." He said honestly.

You blankly looked at him and sighed.

"We could get something to eat?" Xiao suggested.

"Like something fancy or-?" You said.

"Let's go." He spoke quickly and started walking.

"W-Wait!" You ran to catch up to him, you noticed how fast he walks. You struggled to walk next to him.

He stopped at a train stop and sat on a bench. 

"Why are we stopping here?" You asked him, your sunglasses slightly falling off the bridge of your nose.

"I'm taking you somewhere." Xiao said with a straight face. He pushed up your sunglasses so you didn't have to, and then looked forward to see the train approaching.

"Let's go." He quickly spoke once again.

"Again..." You mumbled and took a few big steps to catch up with him.

The bus was almost completely full, and there were close to no seats. The people that came in took all the remaining seats, so you and Xiao stood on the bus.

More and more people came on and squished everyone standing.

"We're coming to a stop." The person controlling the train announced. It was a quick stop. Like hitting the brakes on a car really fast, making you sort of fly forward if you don't wear a seat belt. 

When the train stopped you started to fall forward. You let out a small squeal and prepared to hit the hard metal floor.

"You okay?" Xiao horridly asked you. 

One hand was wrapped around your waist, while the other was hanging onto a handle to prevent either of you from falling to the floor.

"Y-Yeah..." You replied. Thank goodness you had a mask covering your face, because if not he'd see your beat red face. 

He then carefully lifted you up.

"You should be more careful." He suggested to you.

"Yeah.." You responded, sweat falling on your face.

"You can sit here." The both of you heard a voice from behind you.

You both quickly turned around. You had a curious look on your face, while Xiao had an annoyed frown plastered on his face.

A tall gentleman offered his seat. He had long, blonde hair that was tied into a low ponytail. 

"Oh, thank you!" You smiled and took the seat he offered. 

"Who are you?" Xiao asked hastily.

"Thoma! Are you her friend? Brother....?" Thoma hesitantly asked.

"Brother?!" Xiao scowled in shock.

You laughed at Xiao's expression to Thoma's words.

"Why the hell would you think that?" Xiao questioned with an annoyed expression that made you laugh even more.

"Sorry, I think it's the height..." Thoma awkwardly chuckled.

Xiao's eye twitched slightly as he looked up to Thoma.

"Whatever." Xiao spat and walked closer towards you. He looked like he was holding something in, you could tell he was going to say something undeniably rude, but held it in because he knew it was, well, undeniably rude.

"I'm not her brother, and we're most definitely not related by blood in any way. She's my girlfriend." Xiao announced.

"Yup, announce it to the world." You awkwardly mumbled as you saw a bunch of heads turn on the train.

"O-Oh! My mistake. Please forgive me." Thoma spoke with an awkward expression.

This whole interaction was nothing but awkward, it put you in deep pain to watch this conversation go down. 

Bullets of sweat flew down your face as everyone stared.

"Come on." Xiao ordered.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you off the train, I guess this was your stop.

"What's up with you? Are you mad?" You asked him, you only thought this because he holding your hand incredibly tight and walking quite fast, once again.

You got out the train and he took a deep breath in, and exhaled.

"No...Sorry. That was just...Annoying." He loosely held your hand now, by his expression you could tell he felt bad for gripping your hand so tightly.

"I thought it was kind of funny~" You teased.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes in a sarcastic kind of way. He said calmly, "Are you okay? We're almost there." 

"Yeah I am. Let's hurry though because i'm really hungry." You recommended.

"Yeah." He agreed.

This time, he walked at a slower pace so he was walking directly next to you. He continued to hold your hand softly, and it started to feel quite nice and peaceful.

"Here we are." He stated.

"Wooow!" You shouted. The place was huge, and extremely fancy. 

"Ready to go in?" He asked, his voice sounding soft.

"Y-Yeah..." You hesitantly said, still amazed by the place in front of you.

(I didn't publish last week soooo... :3)

Idol || (5WIRL) Xiao x Female Idol ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now