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"Explain to me, your feelings towards me

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"Explain to me, your feelings towards me." He demanded.

"W-What?!" There was practically no light in the room and you could barely even tell it was Xiao.

"In simpler terms, do you...Like me?" He still had you frozen against the now closed door, and he could barely even see your face. 

"W-Well..." You paused, and he waited.

"With everything that's happened with Albedo recently...I'm still trying to process my own feelings..."

"So you haven't actually fallen for me?" Xiao asked.

"Xiao! That was just some cringe pick up line I said to lighten the mood. It was a joke!" You complained.

He was slightly surprised by your answer.

"A-Are...We a joke to you Y/n..?" Xiao asked you.

"Our relationship I mean. Is it a joke to you? Because you might not be able to display your feelings now, and I might not be either but that doesn't mean I don't feel certain ways towards you." Xiao said.

"What-" You tried to reply.

"Is this a joke to you then?" 

He leaned in closely to where his face was not even inches away from you. You could feel his breath and he could feel yours. He carefully admired your eyes the whole time as he leaned in and slightly tilted his head. His lips almost brushed against yours, but he didn't decide to make that next step.

"So?" He questioned.

You grabbed his face and pulled him in to kiss him.

*Holy shit what am I doing* you thought

Xiao's POV

What the-

Is she actually kissing me? I didn't think she was actually gonna kiss me- I would've prepared, but...looking at her this closely...she's beautiful.

one kiss won't hurt


Holy shit what am I doing...

Third POV

You slowly pulled away from him bashfully.

You could see that he was a little shocked based on his expression.

"U-Umm..." He tried to speak but no words were coming out.

You leaned against the door once more, and felt something brush against your head. You looked up and saw it was one of those pull light switches, so you pulled it.

His face was covered in blush.

He quickly realized you turned on a light and could see his face, so he covered the bottom half of it with his arm.

"W-Why did y-you!" He stuttered.

He tried to open the door behind you but the door knob didn't budge.

If he wasn't embarrassed before he definitely is now.

"It's locked." You stated.

As he slowly but surely began to cool down, and his face began to turn less and less red he began to run his fingers through his messy hair.

He positioned himself against the door next to you and slid down until he was sitting on the hard wooden floor. You followed right after.

"You okay?" You laughed thinking about his flustered state.

He just looked away.

"What did that mean anyway..." He quietly asked.

"I might not be able to say that I like you right now. But I'm probably feeling the same way you are." You told him.

"How much of a percentage is probably...?" He hesitantly asked you.

"100%" You smiled.

and so did he.

"WOW! Did I make you smile?" You smiled even more looking at his smile.

"I only smile around you." Those words hit you like a truck. In a good way.

You've never been more happy than right now.

When he said that something struck inside you.

"You flatter me." You teased.

"I'm just stating what's true..." He said, slightly blushing, but not as worse as before.

You smiled at him again, god you just cannot stop smiling at him now can you?

"When is someone gonna unlock this damn door." Xiao said, extending his neck and laying his head against the door.

"You want to leave?" You asked Xiao.

His eyes turned to look at yours.

"I don't really mind being here alone with you." You remarked.

"I only feel some sort of extent of joy when I'm alone with you." He explained.

"Who knew you were capable of flirting~" You said sarcastically.

"I'm not." He stated.

"Okayy~" You sarcastically responded.

You and him explained how he talked to Lisa and you came here because of a favor.

"You listened to Lisa?!" You exclaimed.

He just nodded.

"Not such a good idea. but I don't regret it." He said. He said the second part of his sentence more quietly though.

"What was the second thing you said? I didn't catch it." You said to him.

"It was nothing..." He answered quickly.

The two of you sat in the room, walked around it, and even played games with the things you had in the room.

"look I found a blanket!" You retorted.

There was a couch in there that Xiao was on.

"Xiao look!" You smiled showing him the blanket, but he was asleep.

You guys have found all kinds of stuff in there. More wine bottles, a old camera that works like a polaroid, old canned food, blankets, old broken phones, etc.


Is it weird to take a picture of someone sleeping?

You set the processed photo on the coffee table that was placed in front of the couch. Then, you carefully placed the blanket on to Xiao and sat on the couch next to him. You put your head on his shoulder and decided to also take a nap. One thing led to another, and you both ended up cuddling.

"I think I really do like you" You muttered.

but no one heard, but you.

How are my pookies at 7 am (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Idol || (5WIRL) Xiao x Female Idol ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now