𝒊. the death of an ally (or was it an enemy after all?)

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            'Twas the mid of night

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            'Twas the mid of night. Everyone in the castle is supposed to be sleeping at this time. Everyone was sleeping, excluding everyone important (to unbeknownst Zola's surprise). And, excluding Zola. Zola was reading about the wonderful land of Narnia under her sheets. If they found out, they'd kill her. Zola's uncle was severely against the Narnians.

            Zola often escaped the castle to go to Narnia, simply to help the Narnians. She'd bring them food, help them rebuild their homes. The only one who knew was her boyfriend Jameson, she could trust Jameson and she did.

            She didn't even tell Caspian. No matter how much Zola loved Caspian, she thought he wouldn't have understood. Caspian was supposed to become King soon and he could not have the trouble of communications with Narnians. Telmarines hate Narnians.

            Zola's head popped up from under her sheets after hearing a knock on the door. She hid her book under her pillow and got up to open the door. Behind the door stood Jameson, his skin glowing in the torch's fire.

            "Hey," Zola said. "What're you doing here so late?"

            Jameson kept his eyes on the floor as he came into the room, Zola closing the door behind him. She noticed how he was trying everything in his power to not look at her, trailing along the books and other stuff on her table.

            "Are you quite alright?" She asked, getting closer to him to touch his shoulder. Zola let go of his shoulder when he tensed up at the physical touch. "James?"

            He turned around. Jameson's eyes were filled with tears to the brim, Zola was surprised his vision wasn't completely blurry yet. His face scrunched up when he tilted his head, something Jameson would always do when he cried.

            Zola's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm so sorry, Fran." Jameson whimpered.

            "Sorry about wha—" Before Zola could finish her sentence, she felt a sharp object entering her side. She didn't exactly feel what was going on yet, but when Zola looked down to see a knife stuck in her stomach and blood pouring out of it, she knew. She looked up at her boyfriend, regret written all over his face.

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