𝒗. reunited

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            After balancing over stones to get to the other side of the river, Trumpkin told the teenagers that it would be better if they stopped for the night

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            After balancing over stones to get to the other side of the river, Trumpkin told the teenagers that it would be better if they stopped for the night. They laid down in a field of grass, Zola fell asleep immediately. She was so exhausted, she just hoped she'd wake up sooner than the rest to change her bandages.

            Luckily for her, she did. When Zola untied the bandages, she saw that the stabbing wound had turned purple around the cut. It had definitely been infected. Peter and Lucy woke up around the same time, Zola had to quickly pull her shirt down both times, then they both went to the woods.

            After them, the other three awoke. They realised Peter and Lucy were gone. "Where'd they go?" Susan asked Zola, since she was already up.

            Zola pointed in a direction. Susan scrambled up to run after them, Edmund followed and after that Trumpkin and Zola followed as well. In the woods stood many Narnians. Zola asked a few what was happening, but they only pointed in a certain direction.

            Once at the point where the situation was happening, Zola could hear Lucy yelling. "Stop!" She ran towards that point, seeing Peter standing in front of someone else, a sword in the other's hand.

            "Peter!" Susan yelled.

            Peter turned around, showing the person behind him. Zola's eyes widened, and she ran towards him. She'd finally found him. Zola finally found her brother. Caspian welcomed her with open arms, picking her up from the ground.

            "I thought I'd never see you again," Zola nuzzled her head in Caspian's shoulder. "I thought you were dead."

            Zola winced as Caspian held her up by her torso. Caspian looked around to the others. "We have a lot to talk about." Zola breathed out.

            He looked down at the sword in his hand. Zola instantly saw it wasn't his sword, but Peter's. Caspian looked at Peter. "High King Peter."

            "I believe you called." Peter replied.

            "Well, yes, but... I thought you'd be older," Caspian admitted. "Not Zola's age."

Momento Mori. Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now