When Jester Met Her

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Well shit.

Closing the phone with a less-than-satisfying click, Jester growled under his breath.

Fucking teasing cunt.

One of his many playthings had texted to say that she wasn't available tonight. Well she didn't text him. More like DZ sent a photo from her phone of her bare back saying she was busy.

He had half a mind to show up anyway, but that would also mean he actually cared about the little guttersnipe, and that was not his style

Walking into the surrounding forest, Jester smoldered at the indignity he had just been given. Slashing at the trees and bushes, he gave little thought to the damage he was causing or where he was going. It was only when he broke through the tree line when he realized he had come to one of his favorite spots. A naturally occurring clearing in the middle of a thick wood was rare, but what made it special was the two large boulders at either end of the clearing. They didn't match, but they were similar in being waist-high and made of smooth limestone. Over the years he had installed multiple tie points on each. Trussing up his pets out here was delicious thanks to the noise-absorption that the surrounding forest offered. Taking a deep breath, he walked to his favorite one, climbed on top, and laid back. He briefly looked at the stars before closing his eyes.

It was the sound of chains that alerted him. Being a guard had made him hyper-aware of the sound, not to mention his personal predilections to the restraints. Jester slowly opened his eyes, noting the stars had moved from the last time he saw them.

I must have fallen asleep.

He raised his head to look around but nothing seemed any different.

I swear to Dyrk if this is one of those little shit stains trying to pull a fucking prank, I'll flay them alive and make them thank me for the privilege.

Now fully upright, Jester still couldn't locate the sound. The few clouds in the sky had decided it was the time to block out all the light the moon offered. Now he couldn't be sure if he was actually in danger. His claws elongated, digging into the stone.

Shit shit shit

He bared his teeth, saliva pooling, ready for the ripping and the tearing.

There! The chains again.

His head whipped around, finally locating the source. His eyes widened.

Standing in front of the opposing stone across the clearing was a figure with their back to him. Scratch that. A shapely figure who was barely clothed with their back to him. They were holding a length of chain in their hands, preoccupied with something in front of them on the stone.

All the blood that had been primed for a fight flooded into his cock, causing it to stretch his leather pants.

Down boy. We don't know if we're gonna to fight it or fuck it.

Jester chuckled mentally because now he was hoping he would get to fight it AND fuck it. Well this night just got better.

Easing off the rock, Jester was careful to not make any sounds that would give away his presence. Slowly edging through the trees around the clearing, he was about 20 feet away when he got a clear view.

Before him on the dais was a naked human male completely restrained with chains.

Yup. Definitely gonna fuck that.

Movement to the right caught his attention and for the first time in a very long time, Jester's breath caught in his throat.

Mine, his brain growled mine mine mine.

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