When The Bones Came Out

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Holding a still naked Eye by the hair was a skeletal figure who oozed confidence. His face was gaunt with lips that were pulled back to reveal fangs. Twisting into a smirk, the creature took his time looking her up and down all while holding up the wriggling human with little effort. He was wearing a peacoat and beanie despite the mild weather and his jeans were full of tears paired with scuffed boots. She watched his white eyes flick back and forth from her to Jester, taking in the blood and blades and shredded clothing. "If I had known it was going to be a clothing-optional party," he chuckled, "I would have come sooner."

She glowered at the creature and stretched out her hand, flicking the blood off her blade as she did. "He's mine. Give him back."

She caught the look the skeleton gave Jester and the barely perceptible nod Jester gave back. Released with a shove, Eye stumbled towards her and fell at her feet. His platitudes fell silent as he looked up at her enraged face. Daggers flew from her eyes as she slowly transferred both blades to one hand and crouched down.

"Maj-" Eye never made it to the second syllable as she grabbed him by the neck, pulling him upright and then a little farther to have all of his weight sitting on her nails. The disappointment, frustration, rage, and pain of the day flowed out of her and pinned the human in place.

"You absolute FUCKING cankerblossom."

Jester raised a singular eyebrow. Points for Shakespeare.

Her voice raised in volume. "You caused me to leave my house and come LOOKING for you. To track you as if you are worthy of scientific discovery! YOU CAUSED ME TO FIGHT!"

Eye struggled against her grip, his hands flopping against her fist. "Majesty," he gasped. "You left me tied to the stone! I had no choice! And when he took me..." Eye's voice faltered as he glanced at Jester and his cheeks flushed.

Fire blazed through her mind as she processed what the little worm was implying. She narrowed her eyes. "Are you confessing to me that you allowed someone OTHER THAN ME to use you? That MY PET had the opportunity and means to leave and return to me and you DIDN'T?"

Eye squeaked. "He's very charismatic."

She paused and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. When she opened them again, Jester felt a wash of the same power she had used just a bit ago.

"I strip you Ian." Her voice was low and brokered no discussion of the matter. "I strip you of your title. I strip you of your name given by me. You are no longer my pet. You will never speak or look at me again for the rest of your miserable life." She threw him on to the grass where the sniveling worm proceeded to try and reach back for her foot. The crack his nose made as she kicked it made Jester smile. Blood now running down his face, the human held his nose and wept louder as if that was even possible. She pointed behind her. "Your clothes, shoes, and phone are over there in a pile. Dress yourself and empty your few belongings from my house. I do not wish to see a trace of you when I return from having to apologize for the trouble you caused."

Slinking away, the human ran to the discarded clothing, quickly dressed and ran towards the path, edging around the amused skeletal figure before breaking into a full sprint. A few moments later the sound of him was gone and the forest noises returned.

Inhaling deeply, she bent to replace the blades in her boots. She stretched as she stood, turned to both entities and opened her mouth to speak.

"Before you say anything I just wanna say that was the most entertainment I've had in a while. Even counting putting Nair in Munk's body wash." The skeleton was grinning, delighted at the show.

Her mouth stayed agape at the interruption. First off who the fuck? And second, what kind of sicko plays pranks on religious figures? She shook her head, opened her mouth, and once again was interrupted.

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