When She Met Jester

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The screech of the alarm clock woke her. Emerging from under the blankets like a disheveled cat, she glowered at the tiny machine. Its happy bat face continued to chirp at her, goading her to get up and take revenge for disturbing her sleep. She reached out and smacked at its head, shushing the infernal device and granting her another ten blissful minutes.

Five minutes later the smell of fresh coffee wafted into her room. Whoever discovered coffee needs to be immortalized. She sat up with a groan and stretched her arms and legs till her joints popped before flopping back down. Rubbing her eyes, she rolled over and turned the alarm clock off fully. Beat you this time little fucker. She chuckled and then immediately inhaled the delectable scent that woke her up every morning. Truth be told, it drove her every morning and the only reason she didn't have a machine in her room was because otherwise she would never get out of bed. She kicked her feet over the edge, shoving some wayward straps under the bed in the process.

Well someone has been shirking their duties. She cataloged the information for later before making her way to the bathroom to begin her morning routine.

Thirty minutes and a scalding shower later, she felt much more human. She made her way out of her room and took in the comfortable life she had built for herself. It was a simple place, but one that She took pleasure in updating and shaping to her exacting specifications. The floors were a heavy wood with dark charcoal black stain. The walls were a blue gray that reminded her of morning mist and which allowed a stark contrast to the artwork that lined all the vertical surfaces. Walking down the stairs, she crossed the simple living room and padded through the double doors into the kitchen. It was a spacious galley, simple and clean with white countertops and glass-fronted cupboards. The windows over the sink and in the back door allowed natural light to pour in, causing everything to glow without being too harsh on the eyes.

"Good morning Majesty."

A beautiful naked woman knelt in the middle of the polished floor holding a delicate cup and saucer. The morning light glowed off the rich caramel skin and illuminated the human's hair, giving a halo effect. Coffee from an angel. She smiled and reached for the proffered drink. Technically named Lauren, Her pet's name was El. Using the first phonetic letter of their actual name was such a simple way to display her ownership and their submission. El was a stern woman who, outside of serving Her, was a CFO of a major corporation. She was in her fifties, but underneath her delicate mature skin was strength and fitness. Hair pulled back, head bowed, and arms outstretched, El never quivered in their waiting for Her to take the cup. The best part of waking up... She chuckled softly. It was indeed a wonderful way to wake up.

Sipping the hot beverage, She found it to be the perfect temperature with just the right amount of cream. Disguised as a part of their morning "workout run", El's service was to show up before She awoke and have coffee waiting when She walked into the kitchen. "This is why you are one of my favorites," She sighed contentedly as she reached to her pet's head and gave some luxurious scratches to El's scalp.

El wiggled with happiness and smiled. "Majesty?" El asked softly.

"Yes pet?" She responded between sips.

El swallowed before speaking. "I am gently reminding you that I won't be able to serve you tomorrow. I will be on a business trip for work."

Well shit. She reached down and placed her hand on El's cheek that was now twitching from nerves and forced the pet's eyes to meet her gaze. Her voice was soft but had an edge that stung. "You are not forgiven from disappointing me with your terrible planning skills. When you return, your service will be reduced for however many days you are gone."

"Majesty," El's voice hitched. "I am so sorry to have disappointed you. I will- "

"Enough," She said in an even sharper tone and clacked the cup back onto the saucer. She stared at El, allowing the silence to grow until Her pet bowed their head. Satisfied at the appropriate gesture, She looked directly at her pet. "Where is Eye?"

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