When The Truth Came Out

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She pushed past the tall duo and spoke over her shoulder. "While I enjoy the gawking gents, drinks were promised and I'm in desperate need of refreshment." She walked towards the kitchen intent on finding something cold and preferably alcoholic.

"Tell you what." DZ sidled up and placed himself purposely between Jester and her. "Why don't I show you the fire-pit in the backyard and Jester meet us out there with drinks. You don't mind, do you J-man?"

Jester seethed at the impudence of the sack of bones before he saw the skull wink at him. The fuck? He exhaled sharply. "Fine but I'm not taking orders," and stalked towards the kitchen.

"This way." DZ gestured towards the back door with a mock bow. She slid back the glass panel and walked out to find a beautiful wooden deck with a sunken seating area, in the middle of which was a stone fire pit. Pillows and blankets were strewn around the circular benches, looking very fluffy and soft. She meandered towards the pit and claimed one of the largest blankets for herself, draping it around her shoulders. Feet propped up on the edge of the pit, she watched DZ lazily flop a few feet away from her and proceed to look her up and down through lidded eyes.

After a few moments of him eyeballing her, she had had quite enough. "What?" she snapped.

"I'm just trying to figure you out. You're not human but you're not one of us." DZ turned towards her and lowered his voice to a pointed threat. "Where the hell did you come from?"

She heard the change in tone and was suddenly very interested in making sure she hadn't chipped her nails in her bout with Jester. After a minute, she exhaled an exhausted sigh. "I wish I knew actually. I remember waking up in this world, actually in that clearing," she pointed towards where they had just come from, "not remembering what had just happened. I remember feeling sad, like I had lost something. No money, no belongings, just wearing a black dress. I've spent the last 10 years trying to figure out who I am and I've made some progress but I still haven't answered all the questions."

DZ leaned forward and placed his hands on his knees. "And what about..." he gestured to her with a wiggle of his fingers, "ya know, the hoodoo voodoo?"

She chuckled to herself. "That was a surprise. It showed up about 2 years ago after a particularly stressful and emotional day. Broke one of my favorite paintings by accident." She stared at her hands as she flexed them again and again. "I seem to be able to control energy. The kind found all around us," she gestured to the surrounding area. "I can't seem to command its appearance yet, but when it does show up, I can at least tap into it and use it. It's definitely tied to instances when I am more emotional or stressed."

DZ leaned back again into a more relaxed pose and stretched his legs out towards the pit. Her responses convinced him that she wasn't here to hurt him or the others. "Well, that's good to hear." He leaned back onto his arms and closed his eyes, enjoying the late sun on his face.

"Actually," her voice caused DZ to open his eyes and look over. "I do have a question about Jester."

DZ arched a brow. "Shoot."

She paused for a second, organizing her thoughts. "When I first met him he looked more human and while we were fighting he shifted into..." she gestured loosely back to the house, "that."

"And you're wondering why he's ugly now?" DZ's eyes grew sharp.

She held up her hand. "Hardly. This form seems way more suited to him. I even thought the first one looked wrong when I first saw it. Like a mask that didn't quite fit."

DZ's mouth dropped open. No one had ever really seen that shift in Jester and been sane afterwards. He sat up and looked at her. "He uses that first look whenever he leaves this house. People on the outside tend to not look kindly on someone walking around with horns growing out of their head. Honestly I was surprised to see he had dropped it when I came to the clearing earlier."

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