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It wasn't that difficult to locate a villain base, it was easy enough to stalk a careless group of villains using Zetsu. It seemed to be some preppy teenager and a snakelike humanoid. If he hadn't done research beforehand, he would've assumed it was a Chimera ant. However now he knew, it was the effect of something called a quirk. The idea of quirks seemed amusing to killua, like a hatsu roulette. It was a fun idea, but problematic. Power was supposed to be a privilege, not a right. It was something to be eared. A quirk in the wrong hands, was a dangerous thing. But I suppose, quirks are less powerful than nen anyways.

The two villains walked in a door, and Killua scaled the building, activating En. There were quite a few people inside, all seemed to be in the same room. Hm. Killua waited a few minutes for them to get settled, then slid down the roof and just walked in the front door. There were many villains chatting in what looked like a bar. None of them noticed him, which was sad. Even though he still was using zetsu, he didn't try to conceal himself. None of them are aware of their surroundings.

Killua's eyes landed on a pale blue haired male sitting at the bar, he had an odd hand on his face. Killua remembered his appearance, it had been on a site he'd seen about something called 'The League Of Villains' Killua chuckled, deactivating Zetsu. The idle chatter and white noise in the room came to a sudden halt. "You must be Shigaraki" he said, keeping his stance open and relaxed. Killua wasn't intimidated, and he let it be known. Shigaraki's eyes widened and he let out a rasp, setting down his drink. "You" there was a look of...recognition, on his face. Interesting.

"H-How did you- how did nobody-" the blonde teen stammered. Killua hummed. "you really should be more aware of your surroundings, it's quite pathetic" Shigaraki quickly stood up. "Kurogiri, grab a chair for our guest" his hands twitched, and he looked childishly excited. A male covered in dark purple scars spoke up from where he was leaning on a wall. "Guest? Who the hell even is this kid?" a mass of purple mist created a portal, and a chair rose from it. "Take a seat, child. You've been on a long journey. " Killua settled back on the chair, crossing his legs elegantly.

"I've been expecting you, the boss brought you here for the sole purpose of working with us, this is perfect, so so perfect" he rambled. Oh. So this boss was the one who created the portal. "Ah, so you know how to get me back home?" Shigiraki blinked. "huh?" Killua met his eyes. "How do I get home?" he repeated. Shigiraki's excited demeanor faded into a more serious aura. "Leave? You want to..leave? Your purpose is to help us destroy the symbol of peace!" he insisted, starting to scratch his neck. Killua sighed. These people had no intention of helping him, this was useless. He stood up, turning his back. "then we're done here" he said briefly

Shigiraki's teeth gritted as Killua made his way towards the door. "Stop him!" he ordered. The villains quickly squared up, ready to take him on. The one with the snake quirk lunged forward, opening her jaws to get ready to bite. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to exercise my new ability. He thought, gently placing two fingers on her forehead. As Killua activated his ability, her eyes rolled back in her head, arms twitching. A split second later, the life fled from her eyes and she dropped to the floor, lifeless. Killua turned to look at the crowd behind him, eyes dark. "I wouldn't suggest attempting to keep me here." Attempting to keep a Zoldyck contained, was like trying to control a tsunami.

The villains were frozen in fear, and he didn't even have to use his bloodlust. Pathetic. He thought. Killua wasn't even trying to kill that woman, he hadn't even used that much of his nen. "Tell your boss, never to try to keep a Zoldyck caged" he said darkly. With that he turned, and slowly walked back out of the hideout the pathetic league had set up. He strolled aimlessly for a while, lost in his thoughts. How should I go about contacting the heroes then? The league had been a complete bust. If those were the biggest threat to society, Killua could only imagine how inadequate the heroes must be.

How did that 'boss' summon me? He pondered. It was quite a mystery, he hadnt thought quirks were powerful enough to do acts such as that. Perhaps some quirks are stronger than others? The articles he'd read seemed to say that. Quirks weren't created equal. Some people were born with fairly useless quirks, such as ones that just changed their appearance. Others were born with more powerful quirks, such as the ability to control people. Then of course, there were the extremely gifted who were born with two quirks. What should I claim as my work? Killua had multiple abilities, and at least seven of them he could claim as his quirk. The thing is, he'd have to stick to just that one for the remainder of his time here. Could be a few days, months, years.

My electricity would be my best bet, although I shouldn't show my full hand. Killua paused as he passed by a massive building, he recognized it. It was U.A high. Supposedly some very powerful pros were staying there. Killua thought that was his best bet, and started on his way over. Lets see how this goes.

949 words

To be continued...

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