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"BEGIN-" there was a thud as Mina Ashido's body hit the floor, unconscious. There was dead silence for a moment, before a loud roar came from the crowd. Killua walked it off. Placing his hands behind his head. No use in exerting myself any more than I have to. "WOAHHH! IT WAS OVER BEFORE THE FIGHT EVEN BEGAN! I CANT WAIT UNTIL HE FACES OFF AGAINST KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" the announcer shouted.

Thud. That fight was over in an instant as well, by a swift and precise chop to the pressure point on the back of Bakugou katsuki's neck. Killua sighed, it was the same reaction each time. Really this was too easy for someone like him, even without nen. This was a lot more boring than I thought it'd be. Killua had hoped he'd at least get to struggle a little, but as he dispatched his last opponent he couldn't help but feel disappointment.

I was really expecting this to be more of a challenge

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I was really expecting this to be more of a challenge...


Killua walked into 1A's classroom, and all eyes immediately turned to him. "what's he doing here?" Kirishima said, blinking. Killua had made a point of looking into his new classmates, memorizing all of their names and quirks. Aizawa sighed. "he's the new addition to class 1A" Mineta piped up nervously. "D-Does that mean one of us is getting transferred out?" the class started muttering, anxious. "No, Nezu has chosen to just put him here. Killua, go sit down"

Killua nodded, then sat down at a desk in the very back, next to the window. "as I was saying" Aizawa pressed a button, and a list of names with numbers next to them appeared on the wall. "here's your offers, not to worry. Even if you didn't get one, you'll still be doing internships" Killua examined the numbers on the board. Six thousand eight hundred and ten. He thought. "Ahhh people want us!" Uraraka exclaimed, looking like she was about to start crying as she shook Iida back and forth.

So that's how many people made offers for me? Oh. Well, too bad I guess. Killua wasn't planning on taking any internships. Killua tried to tune out the mindless chatter. "You already got to experience real combat with the villains at the USJ facility, but it'll still be helpful to see pros up close as they work. In the field, first hand" Sato grinned. "that's why we need hero names isn't it?" Uraraka smiled. "things are suddenly getting a lot more fun!"

"these hero names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or-" Suddenly Midnight burst through the door, cracking her whip. "you'll have hell to pay later! What you pick today could be your code name for life" Killua saw a few of his classmates oogling Midnight and he sighed. She probably should wear something more modest in a highschool. Well, it wasn't that her outfit was revealing. It was just, suggestive. "Or you might be stuck with something utterly indecent" Killua got to thinking. I'll probably have to do this too, since I have to play the part of a U.A student.

Killua zoned out the chatter again, looking out the window and tapping his desk with a finger. "Froppy! Froppy! Froppy!" Killua blinked. Eh? He glanced up. Tsuyu was up at the front of the room, and the class was cheering the name she'd chosen. These people are very odd. He thought. One by one people went up to the front of the room, putting forward their names. Killua had no ideas, not until Tokoyami went up. "ah god of the night, perfect" Midnight said. "next!" Killua hummed, then wrote down his idea. He walked up to the front of the room, and the eyes turned to him. He placed up his sign. "Raijin" Midnight grinned. "ooh god of thunderstorms, nice!"

Killua sat back down, looking at his sign. How far will I have to go with this hero stuff? He thought. Home...was very far away, he knew that much. Aizawa and Midnight started talking more about internships and how offers would work, but he didn't listen. He was caught up in a more important matter. How long will it take to find someone with a transdimensional quirk with the ability to get me back home? Months? Years? He clenched his fist slightly. I can't wait that long. Without...Gon I'll... Gon was what kept him sane. He was the only thing, that kept killua's feet on the right path.

I don't know how long I'll be able to last without you by my side...

834 words

To be continued...

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